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so this is the beginning of the song when it is just the beat growing

song of the chapter is Count on Me by Bruno Mars which doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter but oh well. If you don't know what some of the sorority words mean I left definitions at the end of the chapter.

"Athena, we need you downstairs in ten for our monthly Alpha Chi leadership meeting!" My Big said as she walked out of my room closing the door.

Ugh. I hate these meetings. Monthly gathering where everyone socializes, drinks, and talks about multiple fundraisers. Because we don't do enough of those. Pffff. I get up from my cozy Netflix perch in my small window on the second story of our sorority house. I was so comfy, but these damn meetings includes looking somewhat presentable to public eye.

I walk over to my small hanging rack since their isn't enough room for a closet and pull out some lace white high waisted shorts and a light blue top. I throw both of them on while quickly swiping some mascara on my eyes and giving a little brush through of my hair. I grab my wedges and head for the door. Dressing up came with the whole sorority thing but man did I hate wearing these shoes.

I walk down the long staircase as fast as one can in wedges and head for the meeting room. Seeing that everyone is almost here I grab a seat towards the end of the long table. Turning to my right I see my best friend Heather looking all perky and happy.

"Heather who poured a monster drink in your coffee this morning? You look like you are on drugs" I state.

"Well hello there friend. As a matter of fact I heard they are going to announce a large fundraiser that will be run by one of us and I am really excited." She said quickly.

"Oh geez. Well I hope they don't pick me." I say. Thinking that while I would not really want to do this, it would be a great way for me to get known.

The executive council enters right as I was about to ask Heather about more information. Everyone sits down and the VP of philanthropy stands up.

"Girls as many of you have heard this meeting isn't going to be like every other one we have had. We need a new big idea for fundraising this semester. Last year we did a carnival, but this year we need to raise more money then ever. As you all know we have been raising our money for ending domestic violence. So we need ideas. We are open for suggestions now."

"I think we should do a casino night and invite all our fellow fraternities over for some fun."

"We should do a Mr. Alpha Chi Omega contest. Sorta like a boys pageant. I bet we could get a lot of participation and maybe people in the audience could win dates with the boys."

"Ladies these are both great ideas, but one we can't do betting on school premises and we have already done a boys pageant."

I debated whether or not I should contribute. Reluctantly I raised my hand.

"Go ahead."

"What about a fashion show. We can talk to the fashion majors about having a few pieces donated. We could hold a casting. Make them pay to be apart of it. After some practice and getting a good venue we could easily charge people to watch. At the end they could buy the clothes and all the money can be donated to our cause." I said loudly at a fast pace quickly sitting back down in my chair. I looked up to see all eyes on me with fast growing smiles on all of the girls faces.

"That sounds absolutely amazing. I make a motion to approve this fundraising idea in order to start planning." the chapter president says

"I second that motion" Heather says as she stands up smiling at me.

"All in favor say I" "I"

"Then its final. Meeting adjourned." Kaitlyn our Chapter President says with a smile.

We all start to file outside of the room as she calls my name. "Athena, can you stay behind for a moment?"

I swiftly stop and make my way back to a smiling Kaitlyn. You would think our president would be intimidating and mean but she is exactly the opposite.

"I love your idea Athena. And as I remember you majoring in event coordination. I would like for you to lead all the meetings having to do with this Fashion Show and I would love for you to plan the entire thing." She says with her pearly white smile.

I think over the proposal in my head "I would love to, can I enlist a few girls to help me coordinate? Such as Heather and Kelsey."

"I am thinking our entire house is going to want to be involved so you will have more then enough help. Although I suggest starting to plan soon. We are in January and this event should take place in Mid April right before school ends." She warns me.

"It sounds great I will start working on the details immediately." I say with a smile as I walk out of the meeting room and head to Heather and Kelsey's room to start picking their brains.

Alpha Chi (Alpha Chi Omega)- sorority house
Big- an older student he becomes the "big sister" or role model of the new member or pledge
Pledge- the people who are trying to become part of the sorority/fraternity through pledging
Executive Council- different people in charge of committees in the house
VP of philanthropy- person in charge of fundraisers and giving back to the community
Chapter president- president of the sorority house
Chapter- a branch of sorority established at a campus

hi guys I hope you like it so far. I had to do some research about sororities before writing this chapter as I have never been in a sorority. I know that it doesnt seem like the lyrics quite yet but I assure you it will make sense in little time. :) -Michaela

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