"Wanna be friends?"

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Jonas- Hi im Jonas wanna be friends?
Anthony- nah dude I'm not friends with weird pale people.
Jonas- Oh..okay
Jonas moves to a different seat and sits to the desk behind me. I heard what Anthony said to him and he looked hurt so I tried making him feel better.
Kayleigh- Hey don't let him get to you he's just a jerk.
Jonas- Thanks (he smiles)
Jonas thinks in his head- Woah I actually made a friend and she's really sweet and pretty.
Kayleigh- Oh btw I'm Kayleigh.
Jonas- Hi Kayleigh im Jonas
Kayleigh thinks in her head should i tell him I know him from younow or should I wait till I get to know him more. I'll wait.
Kayleigh- Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch.
Jonas- Sure (he smiles again)
Kayleigh turns around to Emily mouthing the words "you like him".
Kayleigh laughs and thinks maybe she does like him. Then she remembers Kayleigh you have a bf stop your just friends.
(Skips to lunch)
We all sit at lunch and then I hear a familiar voice. Omg it can't be. It's Austin.
Kayleigh runs up to Austin and hugs him.
Kayleigh- babe what are you doing here?
Austin- I'm moving back!!!
Kayleigh- OMG that's amazing I missed you so much!!
Austin- I missed you more.
They kiss and then go sit down and eat their lunch. Kayleigh remembers asking Jonas if he wanted to eat lunch with us but she doesn't see him. She looks around but Jonas is nowhere to be seen.
Kayleigh- hey guys I'll be right back.
Jaelynn and Emily- ok.
Kayleigh gets up and goes into to the hallway to try and find jonas. She finally hears his voice and also Anthony's voice.
Kayleigh thinks that's weird cause Anthony said earlier that he didn't wanna be friends with Jonas. She peeks her head around the corner and sees Anthony beating up Jonas.
Kayleigh- Anthony OMG get off of him!!
Anthony- Why stick up for this lame weirdo.
Kayleigh- Because he's my friend now leave him alone and go.
Anthony leaves and Jonas is on the floor crying.
Kayleigh helps him up and she takes him to the nurse because she pretty hurt.

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