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Staggering to the beach–they hold onto each other desperately as they drop down to the sandy surface, looking at what Scariff had become.

"Soon that will be us," Cassian murmurs to Jyn as he leans against her for support.

"I really want to say that you're wrong, but we really aren't making it out of this," Jyn whispers, clutching the fabric of Cassian's shirt.

They stare at the mess before them for a second.

Cassian turns to face Jyn slowly, looking into her eyes.

She's beautiful, he thinks, and then soon scolds himself because this isn't the right time to think these things, but soon it won't matter anyway.

They were going to die. He knew it, she knew it.

Jyn feels him staring and turns to look at him. His face is really close to hers. She can feel his breath slightly fan across her face.

She closes her eyes and then opens them.

"Jyn.." Cassian whispers, he wants to tell her, he needs to tell her.

"Do you think we would have ended up here if we met a different way..?" he trails off thinking: That's not it! That's not what I wanted to say!

"I feel we would have ended up here no matter what, we needed to get those plans," Jyn answered, not sure why he even asked.

Getting the Death Star plans to the rebellion was crucial for the rest of the galaxy, so why'd he ask?

Maybe he covered up what he was actually going to say. Jyn thinks, he already knows this would have happened anyway.

Cassian looks down, before looking back at Jyn whose hair is in her face. She doesn't seem to notice.

He reaches a hand out and lightly brushes the few strands of hair from her face behind her ear.

Jyn looks up into his eyes, as his soften like they have so many times before when he saw her fight or just when she would look at him even when she was mad.

Suddenly it feels like time had stopped as they look into each other's eyes again, but filled with longing.

Longing for this to be different.

Just do it already you idiot, time is running out! Cassian thinks as he lifts his hand up again and lightly caresses her cheek as he brings his face even closer.

Jyn tightens her grip on Cassian's shirt as he leans down to her, and she closes the space completely.

His lips meet hers in a short kiss that is filled with their love and sadness.

Cassian automatically kisses Jyn again, and she lets one of her hands let go of his shirt as she moves it into his hair.

Cassian holds onto her face gently as he kisses her.

What feels like an eternity, ends, as they separate and then embrace each other before they disappear with the rest of Scariff.

The last thing Cassian heard was Jyn breath out, "I love you," and he was too late to repeat it, but somewhere in the heavens they were together at last with everyone else.

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