chapter one

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Chapter 1

"Mama? Mama? I'm home." Marguerite goes running into the foyer, but then stops dead in her tracks. Sitting there in the receiving room were Alec and Kyle Rodriguez with their parents.

Now Kyle and Alec were nice men but they reminded her of the sister that she had lost only a year ago. She hadn't seen them since the funeral. She really didn't like men since every husband that she had had while being married at eleven years old had been abusive. The only men that she really trusted other than her brothers were her guards, Gavin and Marcus, who are gay. Therefore they weren't interested in her as a woman but as a companion only. They let her do more than her husbands would ever let her do. Well, within reason she qualified within her own thoughts. They never left her side for more than a few min, even to sleep.

I wonder why they are here today they don't have any connection to our family any more. What could they possibly want?

Hello your majesties. It's nice to see you again. Marguerite walked over to where her parents were sitting. She turned and asked her mother where her brothers were.

They are with their wives, resting. Why would they be resting with their wives in the middle of the day? Now when she said this, her mother started to blush profusely, while she gave her daughter her answer. I don't know honey. I only know that they went up to their rooms. Now this answer made the Rodriguez family laugh behind their hands discretely. Marguerite ignored them and thanked her mother. I will go upstairs and see if they are up and about. I have a few questions that I need to ask them.

Sweetheart, didn't you say that you had something to ask Marguerite. No I don't think so. Oh! Yes I do, will you please sit down next to me. No, not with your guards' honey. Oka you can st with your guards if you want to.

Now this got a reaction out of her guards. Usually they were like stone and showed now emotions. It was now quite apparent to everyone that Marguerite was a little apprehensive and her guards were quite furious and showing it. They then proceeded to tell the king she could sit wherever she is comfortable to sit.

The Rodriguez family was so stunned that they just sat there and stared. They were all thinking the same question. Finally Roberto's curiosity got the better of him. He then said in a very quiet voice. Why are those guards talking back to you and giving orders. What are they jealous lovers or something?

Yes we are lovers. Gavin and I are but Marguerite no. we don't go out with girls, women, or anyone of the opposite sex. So you guys are gay? Yes we are gay. Now the Delong family didn't know this either, so they sat there stunned like everyone else and stared. This had Marguerite in a fit of giggles.

Meanwhile this caught the interest of Alec and Kyle. They both looked at each other and wondered at what they had gotten themselves into this time.

Now Alec and Kyle are very close brothers. While Alec is 24, Kyle is 22 years of age. Alec had only had one wife since Gabriella died (India laws states that they can have up to five wives each). Kyle has four wives. They are each different in every way. Marrying themselves to Marguerite would join the two families together again and make them very wealthy and powerful. Also like their father before them their two oldest male offspring will become the heirs for as their mother was jointly married to their fathers so shall they.

The families then started to talk about the former husbands and how they should have told them about the guards (or as they put it, the gay men). This made Marguerite start to whimper in distress. Her guards immediately turned to her and started to sooth her. Kyle leaned over and whispered to Alec. Do you think that she loved her husbands or that she was abused? Yeah they did abuse her. This then caused Kyle to give his brother a look of surprise and wondering how he knew but coming up with nothing. He finally then decided to ask how he knew. I was looking through some of the letters that Gabriella got from her. I now know what the big secret that she kept from me was. We use to have so many arguments about it too. I'm glad that she never told me what it was. I would have killed them then gone to her parents and yelled at them for being so stupid and ignorant.

      Alec glanced and saw that she was starting to calm down. He turned back and said look she is calm again. Let's get this over with so that we can go home to our other wives. Okay?

Your majesties, can we continue please. We would rather do it now rather than later. Plus Kyle's wife is expecting to give birth soon.

Yes but we should get Michael and Miguel to come down later, if you feel inclined. Why do you think that? Well they make all of the formal decisions about her since she has had so many husbands.

Well personally I think it is about time someone did something. Anyways let's go Kyle.

Both Alec and Kyle got up and walked over to where Marguerite sat. Falling to their knees each of them took one of her hands.

Then at the same time they said "Marguerite Isabella Marie Delong, will you please marry us?" the room was suddenly silent. Everyone was waiting for her reaction. No one had to wait very long for it to come; for she fainted and was dead to the world in the very next second.

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