chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Harry. My office. Now.” My father’s voice was stern as it boomed through the speakers of my cellular. I couldn’t even offer him a reply, as the familiar sound of the beeping noise, indicating that the call has ended, cut me off.

“Great, just fucking great.” I huffed as I made my way back up the stairs and into my room, dreading what would happen when I’m in the presence of him again.

The distance from the mansion decreased by the minute, it wasn’t too far from “my flat”. The tall, black metal gates that surrounded the front entrance, granting limited access to people outside, came into view.

I inched the car closer so my hand can now touch the keypad, causing the gates to automatically open. I steered the car onto the circular driveway, in front of the manor, and stepped out of my slick, black Range Rover.

I made my way up the steps and opened one of the white doors, not bothering to knock. As I stepped inside, I noticed no one was running around, so I jumped to conclusions and knew that no business was needed to be discussed.

I made my way, navigating through the large house, and traveled down the empty hall all the way to my father’s office.  No one was to be seen, not even my mother or my siblings. Before I could even knock, I heard a, “come in”, through the thick wood of the door.

The door was unlocked, making me think that he has been waiting for me before I arrived. I was greeted by the sight of my father, a concentrated look on his face as he scanned through papers probably concerning gang matters. I softly closed the door, already knowing my father likes it closed when he converses in his office.

He took note of my entrance, and pushed the papers aside, only to motion me to sit on the chair in front of him. I already hated how this was going. Everything was too proper and tense.

“So, you needed t-“ I started talking, hoping to relieve the rigid silence between us, when suddenly, he interrupted me. His voice was as stern as the look on his face.

“Harry you’ve been sleeping around again,” he said, his expression or tone not faltering one bit. I was quite taken back about the topic we’re discussing. He called me just to talk about my sex life?

“And, what does this have to do with anything? I’m old enough to make my own choices.” I boomed back. I have no idea where he is going with this, but I will not comply with all his demands.

“You have to stop. You have to settle down and mature for the sake of our group! No more random girls coming home. That’s why you moved out? So you could have sex with random women every night?” My father never backs down during an argument, so I wasn’t surprised when he yelled back at me.

“If you want to receive my position next and continue our family bloodline as leaders within the gang, then you have to settle down. Find a girl that could help you.” His voice was more calm and relaxed, possibly trying to persuade me to go through with this, but everything he is offering right now, is only causing my temper to rise.

“What do you mean “settle down”? How could you even ask that? It would never work! No one would bother to stay with me! How would you even dare to ask me to try again, when the past only resulted in a stupid mistake,” I spit back at him. I’m at my feet, trying not to lash out on anything in my father’s office.  

My father didn’t even bother to fight back against me, knowing this topic was a digging up old wounds. He just stood there looking at me, but I turned away from him and instead paced around his workplace.

Silence surrounded us, only my haggard breathing and footsteps could be heard. My father did not say anything else in hopes of calming me down, but nothing would work at this point, I was livid.

“No one will ever be her.” I say, breaking the stillness around the two of us. “No one will ever replace her, or even match her beauty,” I continue.

Finally my father speaks up, my distressed state not wearying off. “Do not be conceived by appearances for beauty is found within.”

I looked up at him, shocked at his response. I quickly gathered myself before telling him one last thing and making my way to the door, “But no one would be as beautiful as her. Inside or out.”

The sound of a chair scraping across the floor beneath us was heard, and I knew he was now standing up. My back was facing him and my hand on the doorknob, ready to twist it open.

“You have one year to find someone, Harry. One year to settle down if you want to take my position. You don’t have to love her, but I want to see you as happy as you were before, like when you were with her.” Before he could say anything else, I twisted the handle fully, and exited out the door, wanting to desperately get out of this house. 

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately! I've been taking extra classes, so I don't have that much free time anymore. But anyways some of you have an idea of where I'm going with this story and you found out my secret haha. A frustrated harry gif is on the side and I hope you enjoy this. Also please note that there may be stronger curse language later on also.


Love you,

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