Part 2

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(This will be first person and I apologize for any errors, English is my second language. Please notify me so I can change them. Don't forget to heart)

I didn't like this Church guy. I didn't like him at all. Talking with him was like talking to a hyena. Completely unpleasant and overly threatening. Then again it's not like there's a whole bunch of nice people in this business.

Unfortunately, he was a CIA dog and had offered me a new job. I could never turn down tough missions. This would be the first mission I would go on without my team. It felt like I was almost betraying them in a strange sense. It had been almost a year since the incident. At times I wished that I had died with them. It was almost cruel that they were gone and I was living without them. It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Originally the Grim team was supposed to take this job. But seeing as I was the last one left I would have to team up with a separate Mercenary team since it would be almost impossible to do the job by myself. We were to go in and kill this Garza guy who is protected by a miniature army on a small little island called Vilena. Sounds simple but believe me this would be a very difficult mission.

Currently I was sitting behind a church pew waiting for two possible job takers who would be coming. I wasn't great with meeting people.

One of them was a man named Trench Mauser, a weathered Austrian Mercenary who was very experienced. I had met him a few times but never really talked to him a whole lot. Such common necessities weren't always used between separate Mercenaries. The other job taker was a man that went by Barney Ross who I haven't met but had heard about. He was an Italian Merc with a formidable team of about 5 men (All of which I had already research beforehand) called the Expendables. The Expendables could have given my The Grimms a run for their money.

We waited in patient silence until the church doors whooshed open and in walked two men. One was the one and only stoic Barney Ross but the second was a bald man with a handsome face and square jaw. I believe that would be Lee Christmas. The knife lover. From his files he was supposed to be pretty good. I saw his eyes flicker over to my hidden form as he walked up to Church who stood behind a pew.

Both of them bore a tattoos of a raven standing on top of a skull. The symbol of the Expendables.

They began talked and I listened intently to their conversation. As I suspected they were no bull crap kind of guys. A few moments later Trench walked in. Him and Barney seemed to be... friends if you could call it that but Trench ended up opting out. He claimed he was too busy and that the whole ordeal was a fool's errand. He had a point but he didn't say the job was impossible.

"We will need to recon this island first" Barney stated looking directly at Church who nodded in response. " I have a contact on the Island, actually I have someone here who will be working with you two" Church announced and looked back at me. I took that as my cue to show myself. I stood up confidently and walked towards where the three men were, trying to look completely calm and sure of myself. I looked both of them in the eye. I was smaller than both of them but wasn't intimidated at all.

Barney looked at me skeptically "A woman? You're making us work with a woman? No disrespect but I think my team will be fine working just with our 6 guys" Barney stated. I would have made a comment but decided to stay quiet. I would be working with these boys so it might not be the greatest idea to piss them off with a smart comment.

" I believe you mean 5 guys Mr. Ross, it was brought to my attention that one of the members of your team Gunnar Jensen is no longer working with you" Church retorted defensively. It seemed Barney couldn't really argue with that one. He looked me over, as if evaluating me. " You were a Grim huh?" Barney asked, his eyes looking straight at my tattoo. I inclined my head " I was" I answered softly. I needed to keep my answers short and to the point.

" I have heard a lot about the Grimms" Lee told me, my dark brown eyes met his sharp hazel. His deep rustic, English accent almost seems to reverberate off the Church walls.

" Then you know I'm the only one" I said and saw a small bit of pity in his eyes. I had seen it too often lately to mistake it for anything else. But I didn't need or what this man's pity.

"Barney you shouldn't worry, Ferris knows how to take care of herself" Church interjected but sounded nearly bored. Barney and Lee thought it over for a moment but seemed to come to a basic conclusion. " Alright fine she can come. I respect the Grimms" Barney announced and I nodded in approval but didn't say anything further.

After that Church discussed a price. Barney decided to take the deal for 5 million. I was getting paid about 750K myself for this mission. May seem like a lot but I was thinking about disappearing after this mission. Just go back to being a normal person you know? But I hadn't been a normal American in nearly 20 years.

(Yeah I know, I'm unoriginal for using the Grim Reaper thing since I used it in my other fics but I am short on time and just don't care any more)

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