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Previously (in the first book): Kai has kept it a secret from his team that what the Abbey had really been training him into wasn't just to become a beyblading pawn to his grandfather, but also as a ninja-like assassin using his beyblade as the ultimate weapon. Kai has killed before, but doesn't intend to bring his old skills out-until a beyblader comes and uses a girl with a mysterious voice to steal, not only Tyson and Max's bitbeasts, but their souls as well. The girl, named Ayah, turns out to be just as much a prisoner as Tyson and Max's souls and nearly dies when she tries to avoid stealing Ray's soul as well. Not knowing she has survived, Ayah is left from her captors long enough to give Kai a map to Tyson and Max's souls, to which he uses his bad-a beyblade assassin's skills to break in, slice the Achilles tendons of guards, avoid armed men, and escape with the souls and bitbeasts of his team mates.

Before Beasts, There Was Fire--Book 2Where stories live. Discover now