Without a Family

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Max and Hillary slipped off his bed, and Kenny closed and hugged his laptop to his chest as though Kai might lash out and throw it against the wall. Their treatment of him like he was explosive irritated him further still.

But, after a few muttered apologies and attempts to...unawkwardize the situation, they filed out.

Tyson, however, didn't leave. Hillary made a lot of hissing noises in attempts to get him to follow, but he just ignored her and climbed back onto Kai's bed as though nothing had happened. Kai pushed his tray aside, along with the little table that slid out on an arm from the wall. Tyson snagged the uneaten half of his roll and went to nibbling on it.

Only once everyone else had cleared out did he speak.

"Did you know they might have guns? And don't tell me you didn't."

Kai shrugged and pulled his legs up, despite the smart in his side. He wanted to avoid touching, and he had already been bumped by Max and Hillary more than he cared for.

Tyson swallowed the roll and licked at his teeth as he frowned, navy-black eyes uncharacteristically serious.

"You know I'm grateful—we're grateful for what you did, right? Saving our souls and bit beasts, that's...but you're just awesome sauce like that. But..." his eyebrows went high, like a rising drawbridge to waterworks, and Tyson ducked his gaze behind his fringe. "Do you think we'd feel any better about it if you got yourself killed for us? Dragoon and I would have figured it out on our own eventually. We have before. You know that, don't you?"

Kai thought about just ignoring him, as he often did with the others. But Tyson was one person he never tried to soften the truth from. To do anything less would be pointless to say, as the stubborn idiot wouldn't respond to anything less.

"Grow up, Tyson. Friendship speeches or concentrating on your feel goods wasn't about to save you or Max." He leaned towards the cubby, cursing at the nurse who decided to put his stuff back under the night stand. Tyson grabbed it for him, to which he gave a brief nod of gratitude. His fingertips brushed against the pouch holding the razor attack ring, which none of his friends knew about, or ever would.

"Once more you're missing the point. When are you going to get off your high horse and realize those 'feel goods' aren't just feelings? Friendship and loyalty and honor are real. After all, it wasn't just my gorgeous arm that saved you from that ice on that lake." Tyson flashed him a toothy smile, which Kai didn't quite return. For once, Tyson wilted, then sighed. "Look, Kai...next time you pull something risky like that I'm going to have to beat you to a bloody pulp."

Kai let out an amused 'hmmph.' "I'd like to see you try."

"Oh, I will. Captain or not, you need to learn some serious manners. Well," Tyson shoved off of the bed, adjusting his shirt and putting a finger beneath his nose, a strange habit he got into when he thought he was being 'cool' or 'stylish' in his good-bye. "Before I go off to annoy Hillary some more, what's up between you and Ray?"

Kai shrugged. "Ask him. Now go away."

"Jeeze, grouchy as always."

But Tyson left him be. Perhaps he had grown up in the past years.

Check out took forever, namely because he had to wait for his assigned doctor to check him over and tell him what he already knew about taking care of flesh wounds. It would have only taken him a few minutes, but, as usual, doctors took their sweet time. That, or he had a particularly talkative patient at death's door.

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