~The Shower~

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You woke up to see yourself laying down on a couch with Helen not by your side. "H-Helen?" You whispered sleepily. No response. "Helen?" No response. You sighed. You walked into your room and grabbed your clothes to take a shower. 10:29 is what the clock said. *Drip* *Drip* *Drip* Huh? You noticed your bathroom door open. Your eyes widened. "HELEN! AT LEAST PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" You squealed turning around and covering your face as you blushed. "I'm wearing a towel." He said calmly while chuckling at your reaction. You took in a sharp breath. "A towel around your waist! I can see your ch-chest!" You yelled. Still facing away from him. He just simply chuckled. "I'll get dressed." "Yeah! In the bathroom!" "The shower is still running for you, I recommend you let me get dressed out here and you take a shower." "F-Fine." You muttered in defeat. You grabbed your clothes a towel and walked into the bathroom looking at anything but Helen. He sighed. You felt the water, it was warm, it was like seeing a sunset and it makes you feel calm and warm inside. You turned you music on and put the sing Soap on. You undressed and stepped in. You let the water flow down your body. "Think I just remember something, I think I left the faucet running, now my words are filling up the tub. Darling your soaking in it, but I know you'll get out the second you notice your fingers pruning up. I'm tired of being careful, gentle, trying to keep the water warm. Let me under your skin." Melanie Martinez sing, you sing with the song, who's washing yourself and stepping out. "Helen! You dressed?" You call out. No reply. You grab your phone and text him.
"Boi. You dressed?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just needed to know."
"Why? Did you want a show? ;)"
"Bruh. I ain't answering that. ._."
"You know you do."
"Nope. Shush before I kick you out of my hotel room!"
"Fine whatever you say Poker Face."
I sighed and dressed up in f/c tank top,(obviously bra and panties), and red sweatpants. (If red is your favorite color, you can keep or change the sweatpants color). You brushed your hair and walked out. "Hey. Helen." "Oh hey, sorry I didn't ask to use your shower." He said looking at me. "It's fine. Don't worry." I said hugging him. He hugged back. "I think I've seen enough of you today." I said looking away blushing a light pink. "Okay, want me to stay here or do you want me to go home?" "Uh. You can stay here if you want. You can have my bed, and I'll take my couch." "No no no. I can't do that!" "Helen, take the bed." "Nope." "Fine, since your being stubborn, how about we share the bed?!" I said quickly not thinking and covered my mouth. He chuckled. "Seems just about right." I roll my eyes." "Okay, but go get you some different clothes, I can't stand to see you wearing the same clothes as before." I say pointing it out. "Okay. I'll be back in just a bit. Go to sleep and be up in the morning." I nodded. I hugged him before he left. He left and I giggled to myself and went to sleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP- T-T-Tell your boyfriend that if he says he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him! She wants to touch me Ooh-oh, she wants to love me Ooh-oh, she'll never leave me, Ooh-oh, don't trust a ho, never trust a ho, won't trust a ho, (Cause the ho) don't trust me!*

"F*ck school!" I said rolling off the bed. I heard a groan. "What the? HELEN?" I almost shout. "H-Hey! Morning." I sigh. "Go home and hurry up and get dressed, wait... Just get dressed. I don't wanna be late! And I definitely don't wanna get detention, that I was suppose to serve yesterday, I don't wanna cuss the teacher out today, or, have to skip school or anything." I said sighing. "What happened last night? Did we- HELEN!" "Oh yeah, we banged so hard last night! It was amazing!" "HELEN, BE SERIOUS!" "I am." "Ugh! What happened last night?!" "I told you, we banged last night." "Remind me to go to the doctors later to see if I'm a virgin or not. If not, I AM CUTTING YOUR D*CK OFF!" I growl. "We didn't do anything." He said laughing like he was a mad person. Well, he's crazy, but in a good way. "Okay. I'm still checking." I said cautiously. He chuckled. "It sucks how us girls have to wear uniforms, and you boys don't. Like, that's not fair." I pouted dressing up hurriedly. But I went to the bathroom and said that once I got out. He chuckled. "Maybe the principal just wants to see girls @$$." I gave it some thought. "You probably are right." I said looking at the clock. "F*CK! WE NEED TO GET TO SCHOOL! I AM GLAD THAT I LIVE NEAR THE SCHOOL!" I yell grabbing my book bag and Helen's hand. "Slow down. If we walk. We'll still make it in time." "BISH. NO. I AIN'T DOING THAT. WE ARE LISTENING TO ME, END OF DISCUSSION." "Feisty. That's what I like about you." "Don't say that. That's exactly what Puppeteer said Helen." "Well, he's right. You sure that exactly what he said?" "Well, he said I was feisty." I said still running with him right by my side. "Huh, okay. Let's hurry. But he's not the same as he used to be." "I agree. Puppeteer has changed. He was different. Now he's... Even more different." "Same. So, did you like my bod?" "What do you mean?" I said looking at him ruling my head. "You saw my body last night." "I don't remember." "I'll remind you later." "Nope, I'm good." I said giggling. He blushed a light pink. We both ran to our first period. "Ms. (L/n). Your early." "I know. It's called common sense." He sighed. "Sit in your seat." "Gladly." I smiled innocently and growled. "Okay class, I decided to be nice and let you listen to music or whatever during the test, as long as you don't disturb anyone." I got my phone out and took my Beats out and play Lolly. "She says she love my lolly, she wanna make it pop, she says she love my lolly, she says she wanna lick the top. She says she love my lolly. She says she love my lollipop. She says she love my lolly. She sayd she love my lolly." You immediately changed the song. You blushed. "Can't keep my hands to myself, no matter how hard I'm tying to, I want you all to myself, you're metaphorical gin and juice, so come on give me a taste, of what it's like to be next to you, won't let one drop go to waste. You're metaphorical gin and juice. Cause Oh-oh! All of the doubts and the outbursts, keep making love to each others, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying, cause all of he doubts and the outbursts, keep making love to each other, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying. Can't keep my hands to myself!" After awhile, of listening to music, you finished the test. He gave it back to you after. 'A+' is what it read. You were happy, but all you did was smile. You nodded to him. You walked out of the classroom without another word. It left him confused. But you shrugged it off. This school, was different. If you left the class, no one cared, unless you were in trouble. But, mostly everyone would ignore it. So no one said anything. You grabbed your Blood Dragon Crystal. 'You helped when no one else did, I love you for that. Stay with me, take over me, my love...' You whispered to the crystal. Your eyes turned gold, and we're shining, you grew a pair wings, your eyes bleed blood and a black-tar-substance, your eyelashes grew a little longer, but not the wicked way, your hair changed into a burgundy auburn color. "So we meet again..." "Unfortunately, yes. Is it bad, that I feel something for someone that doesn't even care?" "Possibly, love hurts. Pain hides in the shadows and lurks out and attacks you from a unknown corner. Death is like losing someone you love dearly, but they forget in a week or so and don't care if you die after awhile. It's alright to love. It's a part of life, the night makes you feel calm, it's called Nyctophile. If you find rain comforting, it's called Pluviophile." "Zalgo! That helps alot, but hats not helping at the same time. I still don't like how I have to transform to see you. But it looks kind of pretty." You smiled brightly. "Glad to help, who is it you love?" "..." "Y/n. It better not be Puppeteer..." "..." "Y/n!" "I don't know. I don't love anyone like that. And if I do, it'd be ANYONE but Puppeteer. He's in a popular group and has changed. I don't have tie for FUCK BOIS." "Such a creative name." "Heh. Thanks. See you later Zalgo." "Bye." You transformed back to your regular self. You sigh. "What was that?" You heard a too-familiar-voice from behind whisper. You turned around to meet face to face with the Puppeteer. "Ugh. go away. It's none of your business." "It's my business if you're walking out if class not saying anything." I said angrily. "Could you shut up?! I don't want to deal with any FUCK BOIS today and I really don't want to be a doll for you or puppet, so go away." I growled. "Why so feisty?" "Cause WI just am." "Well, the teacher told me to come get you cause he's assigning our partners for our project." "Fine. Let's get this over with." "Kay." He took my hand. "I know my way to class. " I said snatching my hand out of his hand. he chuckled. "Do you really think that you won't be my doll later?" "Yes, cause I don't fall for pricks..." "Ooh. Ouch." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I don't fall for pricks..." "I don't fall for pricks..." "I don't fall for pricks..." Those words keep replaying in your mind. "I'm sorry..." You mumbled, barely a whisper. "Did you say something?" He asked. I looked away. "No." "Kay. Maybe it's just me." I'm so glad he didn't hear it. Wait! What if he did?! What if he was just joking?! Oh god! Why did I apologize?! For the name of Zalgo! I don't even know why. I guess... It's just a habit. I used to say sorry alot when I was younger. That's why. I hope. "Okay, class. you have to do a project on... Why the planets and galaxies have there name and what it means. I will pick your partners. WHAT?! I SWEAR, DONT YOU PUT ME WITH- "Y/n, Jeff, BEN, EJ, Toby, Puppeteer, Dark Link, Masky and Hoodie, you're one group. Everyone else, you're in one group." You immediately slammed your hands on the table and stood up knocking your chair down. "WHAT?!" You growled furiously. You could hear Puppeteer chuckle beside you. You sat by Puppeteer and Helen. You only payed attention to Helen and the teacher. "Is there a problem?" "YES THERE IS. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE IN A GROUP FULL OF ONLY FUCK BOIS!!" You practically yelled at the teacher. He looked like he flinched, but what could you tell, he had no face. You growled. "Watch your language, and don't look at me with those eyes!" "I cant watch my language! I can think about what I'm going to say, but I obviously don't give a fuck!! And I'm sorry Sir, they're the only fucking pair I've got!!" "Out of my class now!" "Gladly!" You grabbed you book bag and slammed the classroom door. "I hate everyone!" You growled and went down stairs and went into the court yard. Your class room was right by the window, so your class could see you. You got your Blood Dragon Crystal. "Please help me, I don't know how to love." No reply... "Zalgo!" "Y/n, I'm not helping you anymore, you need to learn how to love on your own." "Ugh! Then what's the point of this crystal for fucks sake?!" "Y/N, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE NOW. I DONT KNOW WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON LATELY. BUT YOU BETTER WATCH HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR FATHER." "W-What... So my father is the man I've been looking at for about 2 years?!" "Slender. He didn't tell you?" "No." "He said he was going to, but I remember telling you, maybe you just forgot." "Possibly. It took me awhile 2 months to remember my last name..." "Agreed. Now get back to class." "Okay, father." I sounded kind of sour. But he knew itll take me awhile to get use to it. I put the crystal away, I forgot I changed before I talk to him. Heh, surprising how I forgot. I sighed. "This is going to be a long week."


Hope you like it! Love you!
Bye! CreepypastaLust,
OUT! ❤

~They only want to hurt you...~ Creepypasta Academy PUPPETEER X FEMALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now