Chapter 16

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                    *Two weeks later*

        I had been back in the Chi for two weeks and I wasn't sure how to feel about it just yet. The only thing I knew was that I wasn't prepared for these results. I was giving Majesty and Royalty a bath. I had already bathed Dutchess and she was watching cartoons with Baylee.
           When I got finished bathing my babies, I walked into the living room of our suite. B was playing with King and my nerves were getting the best of me.
            "Chill bae. Regardless of the results you still have family that loves you."
             "I know, I know. I just can't believe this shit! This bitch been acting like she didn't know who my father was for years, but now she want up say some shit like this! I mean, what if he isn't? Just going to make us look like more shit. What if he is? I mean, he already done raised his babies. Shit, Choice a grown ass man."
                "Chill. He good people. Trust me; I know. Him and my pops go way back. Choice lil sis Niqua at college right now, but she cool too."
                 "Your right babe. Let's go get this shit over with though. I'm tired of going back and forth with it in my head." King was play fighting with his daddy and hit him in the face when I was talking. B just started laughing as he put him in the stroller beside Dutchess, who was still acting like sleeping Beauty.
               Behind them, Majesty was dozing off and Royalty was playing with her pacifier. "Let's go Baylee," I said taking her by her hand.
                 I walked down stairs and thought about encounters with Charles Sims these past two weeks. He seemed really chill and boss like. He was the spitting image of Choice. I did see myself him in some ways. He acted as if he really liked me and I know I really liked him. I recalled our conversation about my mother. He said he had hit a few times and she wasn't on that shit to his knowledge when they were fucking around. Also, he said that they were never together, but he did like her a lot. He knew about the prrgnancy, but she said it wasn't his. I imagined she probably did that because of his bitch of a wife.
              Choice's mom had been throwing shade and shit towards me since the moment she met me. First, she judged me because of all my kids. Then, she threw around shady remarks about how I didn't look like her kids. She had really been pissing me off, but I decided to tolerate it. For one, I wanted to find out these DNA results.  For two, I know I would act even worse if B had a child on me after all these b years.
               We were all supposed to be meeting at his Charles house to find out these results. I was glad that Star was going to be there. She was just like my sister and her presence always comforted me.
               When I got to Charle's big house, I unloaded all my children. Baylee was so happy to be seeing Charle's again that it was a shame. For some reason, she took a liking to him immediately. I told him that she was mine and left it like that.
                 I could see Venetta rolling her eyes at my out the corner of my eye. I sat down on the couch and changed Dutchess diaper.
                "How you feeling today?" Charles asked me after talking to Baylee for a few minutes.
                 "I'm not really sure," I responded feeling a mixture of emotions.
                 "Me either, but whatever happens, I want you to know that I have really taking a liking to you and your children and I would love to be a part of your life. If I had of known sooner, I would've taken care of you."
                I could feel tears threatening to fall, but I refused to allow them. "Damn, can we stop with the fucking dramatics and read the results," Venetta said looking mad as hell.
               "Now, you wait one minute Venetta. You need to stay in your place. I know I might have fucked up back in the day by cheating, but this ain't got shit to do with Toya and it ain't like you didn't know what it was."
               "Like I didn't know what it was? Venetta said clutching her heart. I've been with you since I was fucking sixteen years old. I stayed their by your side and put up with your bullshit Charles. ME. I suffered two miscarriages cause of the stress you put on me and raised two of your babies and the best thing you can think to say to me at a time like this is "stay in your place?" She raised her hand and slapped fire from Charles face.
                "Fuck you Charles! Fuck you! Fuck your bullshit! Fuck your whores! Fuck your affairs! You've been with a lot of fucked up hoes back in the day, but I would've never thought your ass would stick your penis in Margie raggedy ass. And make a baby with her at that!"
                  Charles looked like he wanted to slap the fuck out of her, but he held it together. "Toya, if you want to do this another time, I completely understand. This has nothing to with you."
                  I really didn't know what to say, but I knew B was ready to return back to Cali and so was I. It was too many memories here in the Chi. I didn't think I would ever be able to return to live here. Cali would most definitely be my new home.
                "If you don't mind, I would like to wait for Choice and Star to get here," I said quietely.
              I picked up King and Royalty. Holding my babies comforted me in a sense. B was holding King and Dutchess. "This shit beginning to be too much for a nigga mind. You good ma?"
              "Yeah, I'm good."
               "Daddy, I'm hungry," Baylee said walking up to B.
               "What you want to eat princess?"
               "Noo noos."
                "Okay babygirl," he said as she kissed him on the cheek.
                B sat Dutchess and King down in the strollers and took out a package of noodles that we kept in the diaper bag. "Is it okay if I cook these in your kitchen?" He asked Charles.
               "Of course. You know you are welcome to anything in my house. You know you and B used to wreck shop in here. "What ya old man been up to? I ain't talked to him a minute. Shit, I need to feel his ass in on all this going on now."
               "He been good as far as I know," B chuckled as he went into the kitchen to fix Baylee some noodles. After a few minutes, I walked into the kitchen to be nosey. I knew Venetta vindictive ass had went in there.
               I walked really close to the the kitchen and stopped, so I could listen. I was hoping Royalty didn't start crying cause she looked pissed that I was carrying her and she wasn't walking.
                 "I can't believe he's in there taking that little bastard bitch side over me!" She said yelling.
                  "Hold up. Wait a minute Aunt V. I know this shit is fucked up for you, but you don't need to be talking bout Toya like that.
               "Child, I don't know why your ass married that wench. She came from no good, so that's exactly what that make her ass, no good."
                "Nah, you got Toya all wrong I think if you get to know her, you will find out she ain't that much different than you or my moms."
               "Me and your mother? Are you fucking blind boy? I know you see the shit that I'm going through now. Your mama might not have shown it, but she went through the same shit. That bitch ain't got what it takes to live this damn lifestyle we done lived and you fool if you think otherwise."
                "Well, shit, I must be boo boo tha damn fool. As soon as I met shorty, she helped me sign a big ass deal. She done dealt with all my cheating and everything else that you and my mom's had to go through. Better yet, she done made me stop."
              "You know what, I ain't even interested in what the lil skank done did to you, but you won't stop cheating for long. Soon, them babies will start stressing you and she start nagging at you and you'll find comfort inside another bitch."
              "Look, all I'm saying Aunt V, is give her a chance. I mean, I love babygirl. I even cuffed her. She strong independent, and smart just done been through some shit and some of it is on the account of me. So give her a chance of for your sanity, hers, and Charle's. " He finished stirring the noodles and they started talking about Niqua, so I went to the restroom.
            After I checked Royalty diaper, I went back to the front and chatted with Choice and Star. I was trying to rock my nervousness away by shaking King.
            "Okay, I'm ready to read the results," Charles said like the shit was on his mind too. I could see Venetta easing into the living room still upset.
         "Babygirl, it says that you are 99.99% mine!" Charles said as he hugged me around my neck. I'm I was so happy that I wanted to cry, but I just couldn't allow myself to in front of all these people.


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