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(Artemis pov)
It's been a month since Wally yelled at me and jinx. I went back to cutting because the blade seemed to be my only freind. The only one I can trust. The only one that makes me feel peace. I re-wrapped my cuts and put my hoodie on and walked out to see the rest of the cave. I didn't have to look at any of them to know they all were staring at me or glaring. I knew I deserve it considering I've been a total b*cth the last few weeks. I walked to the kitchen and to my surprise jinx was looking kind of like me. I don't mean the same clothes or same hair I mean the same look. She has sadness in her eyes. She's tugging on her long sleeves to keep them down. I know exactly what she's doing behind closed doors. She's doing the exact same thing as me..... Finding peace....
I would talk about it with her later but we both heard the computer anouce Wally's name. We gave eachother hurt looks and bolted out of the kitchen back to our rooms as wally comes in. I lock myself in my room and I start to realize... No one cares about me....My best freind hates me for stealing her guy for a few weeks I could tell in her eyes....My boyfriend hates me for being childish..... Everyone hates me..
I go to talk to jinx a few hours later to see if  she feels the same way.
He room is on the other side of the cave and I knew wally was still here. This should be interesting.

(Jinx pov)
I went to the kitchen to get a snack because I haven't eaten in a few days. I'm as wally calls a hex girl but that doesn't mean I don't need food. When I walked in I saw arty. I could tell she was upset but I knew she was p*ssed at me. I should of backed off. Now wally hates both of us because of me. Arty was right. I should jump of a bridge. I'll do it later when everyone is home or asleep. Until then I'll stick with my new freind. Razor. It keeps my calm in a odd way. Sadly it isn't enough. Anywho when I got some cookies then me and Arty looked at each other her eyes read broken. I was always good at reading people but we looked at eachother when we heard Wally's name announce. I sprinted to my room with my cookies and locked the door. I'm not dealing with any of that today. About an hour later I heard a knock on my door. I threw my hoodie on to hide my scars and opens the door. To my surprise it was Artemis. I thought she wouldn't even want to see me. "H..H..Hey Artemis." I stuttered. She smiled a bit. It seemed very forced. I heard Wally's voice comming from down the hall. The same broken look flashed in artys eyes. I knew she didn't want to see him like this so I grabbed her hoodie pulled her in my room then locked the door. "Thanks." She said with I sigh of relief. "No problem it's the least I can do for ruining your life." I let out a dry laugh and we both looked down. "Look.." she started to say and I looked at her, "I'm sorry I lost my cool with you and became really jealous I just got wally back and none of this would of happened if I didn't freakout." I smiled a bit. "I geuss we both los..." I stopped mid sentence when I noticed a bandage staind with some red blood on her wrist. I grab her arm and pull her sleeve up. "Oh arty..." I can't really blame her I did ruin her life. She yanked her arm back and held her wrist. "Please don't tell anyone Jinx the team hates me enough I don't want them to think I'm doing this for attention!" I smiled and she looked confused. I took my hood off to revel the bandages on my wrist. "That makes the two of us archer." She hugged me and I hugged her back. We were both the only ones that under stood eachother here so I was chill with it. A few hours pass by and she told me what made her want to end it all and we watched a few movies. After the second movie she looked at me. "So why are you cutting?" I sigh and look down. "This team was my last hope. My old team dumped me in Alaska and I was left to die. I found the bat and he helped. He said being on the team would help. It only made things worse as you can tell." She rubs my back. "So I geuss were kind of on the same page." I smile a bit "yhea..." She stands up. "I got to go around this time Megan comes to check on me see ya." I wave to her, "see ya." When she left I layed down on my bed and smiled. It was good to know that someone else felt the same way as me. I geuss I won't jump tonight. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Back to Artemis's pov)
I was standing on the Gotham bridge. Sure jinx and I feel the same but it's literally killing me inside. I'm hearing voices in my head telling me.. Jump..No one will care....You'll finaly find peace...
I climb over the rail and hold on to it with my feet on the small ledge. I looked down at the raging waters below. This was it. No more pain. If the sharp rocks don't kill me hypothermia will. I let go of the rail barely keeping my balance. I smile and think to myself.....PEACE...
I jump a bit and within only a few moments I felt the icy waters hit me. I let my body get draged thru the raging waters. I felt the sharp rocks scratch at my skin. Some leaving really big cuts. I close my eyes. I soon feel nothing..But coldness....and for the first time in forever.....Peace ✌

(A/n) Well there's the death I promised. 😈😈😈 I know I'm evil. Any who sorry I didn't post my other book I still didn't know what to call it. Please give me suggestions. I basically told y'all what it was about in a chapter called "good news" any who buh-bye Oreos ✋✋✋

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