Harry Styles Imagine

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Harry Imagine. (He Cheats)

"Harry?" that familiar, oh so familiar sweet voice whimpered through the doorway. I froze, having the realization hit me so quickly, I nearly threw up. I closed my eyes in shame, sighing, as I took a look at my beautiful y/n. She was trying, trying so hard to not break down and cry as if it was the only thing she could do at a time like this. Her crying was something so heartbreaking to me, that I have to collect myself everytime I see her so vulnerable. Oh God, no. I did this. I caused this.

“y/n” I whispered, lightly pushing on the girl’s chest that was attached to mine, not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough for her to slip away from me.

Five months ago. Five months ago I started to cheat on y/n with Veronica. It started out as y/n and I, only y/n and I, as Veronica was just a family friend of mine, but there were things she said that played with my mind. Veronica would purposly get me drunk, and slowly, but surely, start to convince me that there were feelings between us. I never thought that it had been possible. I never thought my feelings for y/n would ever be replaced, but unrealistic feelings started between Veronica and I, and it started progressing into something more.

There was a part of me that knew it always had to have been y/n. Always her. I just never listened to myself.

I saw y/n’s head hang low as she ran her fingers through her beautifly smoothed hair. She shook her head as she took a deep breath; collecting herself.

“I’m sorry. I’ll just, uh, I’ll just go” she gave a fake smile.

“No. Y/n, baby, this—”, I started to say, gesturing toward me and Veronica, “this is a mistake. Gosh, y/n—y/n no”.

Before she could respond, Veronica started crying. I felt her shake beside me as soft sobs rocked her back and forth. She was crying, and I didn’t even feel bad. Not once, not anything how I felt seeing y/n near tears at this moment.

“H-Harry, you said you l-loved me a-and that I was th-the only girl you have ever l-loved. Y-You can’t say I’m a mist-take, Harry. That h-hurts me” she sobbed, clutching onto my arm like she was trying to keep me in place. 

My eyes shut gentely again, knowing that y/n would please anybody before pleasing herself. She’s going to let me go, and now, I’m positive of it.

I heard y/n take in a sharp breath, and I knew that if I don’t open my eyes now, I’ll never be able to see her again.

“It’s fine, I’ll go. You guys—”, y/n sucked in a breath, trying to swallow the tears daring to escape her eyes, but she was too weak. Unwanted tears had slipped out of her eyes, and she didn’t even do anything about them, “you guys love eachother too much to let go. I won’t get in the way of that anymore. I’ll have Zayn pick up my stuff for me”.

Veronica squealed, jumping onto my frame as happy tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Did you hear that, baby? After five months we finally get to be together. Just us!” she squealed again, latching onto my neck and kissing my cheek continuesly.

I didn’t stop staring at y/n, I couldn’t, knowing any second could be the last. I stiffly wrapped my arms around Veronica, not knowing what else to do, I was never getting y/n back, nothing could change her mind. I quickly blinked, hoping that when I reopened my eyes that my beautiful y/n would be right there, just waving a goodbye or something, anything, but once I opened them, I saw an empty, lonley doorway.

- Three months later -

your pov:

The room was spinning around me as my head pounded through my ears. I really needed to drink more, just to stop this pain, the pain that wrapped around my heart that hasn’t stop squeezing. I feel like pain is the only thing I’ve been feeling, and only alcohol is the way to make me distract myself.

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