Violent Behaviors: Epilogue

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Alyra Fox experiences first hand what it is like to be apart of a gang. Not just some small streets type of gang but the kind that control a whole city or even a whole entire country type of gang. Alyra is the daughter of Aaron Fox who is the leader of the underground gang. Her own father is the one who pulled not only her but her twin brother Asher into this sickening lifestyle. She was raised to become who she is today. A cold blooded murderer, a seducer, and a fighter. Alyra must live up to her reputation and continue to defeat others with her own hands. This is what she was born and raised to be and this is what will last her a lifetime of regret.


I looked straight into his alluring eyes and I saw desperation and regret. He knew what was coming, but was left speechless as I held the gun in my hand, with my finger on the trigger and the barrel pointed at his head. I continue to stare for a few moments before he speaks. "I didn't expect this to ever happen. ". I slowly lower the gun slightly hesitating about what decision to make. "Go. Leave. Before I change my mind because I won't hesitate one second longer to put this through your head.".

*WARNING* There will be lots of violence, coarse language, sexual activity in this book.

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