Chapter Thirteen (edited)

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 "Are you going to keep staring at me like I actually understand this or are you going to tell me more?" Colette paused, frowning as she realized just how little she still understood. Colette stood up, she looked pathetic sprawled out on the floor with her eyes still red from crying. If she was going to be the savior she might as well look and act the part. "You can start by explaining to me where the hell he came from." She pointed at Jordy.

Instead of the two boys in front of her giving her any sort of answers, they laughed. As if she was a child who had just asked for her second ice cream cone. She frowned once again, leaning into her hip and crossing her arms in an attempt to look more menacing. Colette looked no more menacing than a house cat playing with yarn, but she had bigger and more dangerous games she needed to play.

Kaden finally coughed, scratching the back of his neck. His eyes flickered to the floor for half a second as if he could actually be ashamed for being an ass. "Jordy here is what we like to call a dimension seeker. He has the ability to walk between different worlds and alternate realities. As well as send people there." Jordy's smirk turned sinister like he had practiced the second part of his ability before.

Colette sneaked a look at Jordy who looked entirely way too proud of his ability. At least Kaden had a somewhat decent personality. Sure, he was arrogant but it seemed more in a playful sense. Jordy was just plain cocky. It seemed like the more attractive a person was, the more arrogant they were.

Colette nodded slowly. "Anyways... what's the plan? You got me out of Paradisium only to get me thrown into here." She gestured to the inescapable room around her. "I don't exactly see any way to get out." Considering the door had up and disappeared. She still did not understand how that happened, but at this point with all these powers it did not exactly surprise her.

This time Jordy actually acknowledged her presence other than his simple introduction. "Well, smart ass," oh this was going to be a pleasant conversation. "The person who guards this section is an illusionist. She makes you see what she wants. Just like Paradisium, this 'inescapable' room is an illusion."

"Well asshole, if you weren't aware I'm still new to all this power stuff. I don't even know what my own power is." Colette threw her hands up in frustration. "So explain to me, oh wise one, how the hell does that help me?" At this point, Paradisium seemed like the better option if it meant she did not have to deal with either of the people standing in front of her and treating her like some idiotic child.

For a whole two seconds, Jordy looked completely taken back by Colette's words. There was no way someone had not called him an asshole before so either he was really surprised she did not know her power or he was that arrogant. What a sad life he must live if his ego is that fragile.

Jordy bit his lip in an attempt to hold back whatever snarky comeback he had in mind. "It means that if you concentrate hard enough you can break her hold on your mind and see through her illusion and find the damn door." He grumbled and walked towards the far corner of the room. Colette could not say she was too upset about him leaving, despite the fact she could not stare at him any longer.

"So how come you are both still stuck in here if it's so easy to break out?" Colette was confused, which was about as normal as the sun rising.

"We did try and break out but if you didn't notice while being drug here, the security is pretty tight. There's guards walking these halls twenty-four seven to make sure we stay right where they put us." Kaden answered this time, much more friendly and helpful than his counterpart.

Colette sat back down, her head pounding awfully loudly in her head. She tried to process all the information, but she was not so sure how she was going to be able to help. "Why make it seem like we accomplished something by breaking the mind barriers if they were just going to throw us in here?"

"Maybe it was so we would be more likely to cooperate with them." Kaden replied, sitting down on his makeshift cot. "The loss of hope after you thought you finally conquered something really does something to people's will to try again."

"I just want to go back home." Colette whispered as she drew her knees up to her chest. Kaden tossed her one of his many blankets and gave her a sad, understanding smile. There was something about him she did not quite understand. Despite his brave front, there was a war going on inside his head that seemed much more dangerous than the one outside it.

Colette snuck a glance at Jordy, but he had already fallen asleep facing the wall. If she was going to help them break out of here sleep was probably a smart idea. The feelings of doubt and fear swimming in her gut thought otherwise.


Dinner had come through a slot in the wall that appeared just long enough for a guard to shove a few plates of unappetizing food through and disappeared like the door had the day before. The two boys rolled their eyes at the stale bread, glass of dirty water, and dry meat. Colette, on the other hand, was starving, but she quickly changed her mind after taking a bite of the mystery meat and gulped down the glass of water in attempts to wash away the nasty taste it left in her mouth, but the water only intensified it.

Colette could feel a pair of eyes on her and she turned to find Jordy watching her. "Isn't there some alternate universe you could travel to instead of staring at me?" She frowned and turned back to her disgrace of a meal and pushed it away from her. His watching her made her skin crawl even more than her stalker did back in Paradisium.

Despite her snarky comment she could still feel Jordy's hot gaze burning through her. His very, very hot gaze. She squirmed, trying not to give him the satisfaction of turning back around and speaking to him again. Colette could not take it any longer, her skin was itching, crawling with his gaze.

Slowly, she turned back to face him. Her expression was completely blank as she met his gaze. Colette said nothing as they sat in a silent stare off. Her gaze wandered, tracing the perfect lines of his jaw and cheekbones that looked like they had been carved by a world famous sculptor, down to the collar bones peeking out of his nearly skin tight shirt that rippled over his toned body.

Colette froze, suddenly realizing that he was watching her check him out. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she looked back into his golden eyes. Jordy had a smirk painted on to his lips, she felt her cheeks grow hot and to top it all off he winked at her. Colette was sure her face was the color of his red shirt. A scoff left her lips as she tried to hide her fluster, but it was far too late for that. She had given the beast the arrogance boost he so clearly had been desperate for.

She decided to turn her focus back on the wall where the door and food slot should have been. Colette needed to try and rip away the illusion the guard had casted on them. She would not result to being stuck in a room with Mr.Arrogant Mcstare-y. Her eyes fluttered shut as she remembered what Kaden had told her about the ripples in the pond.Was it even possible to find a ripple inside her own mind? She already knew what was wrong; the door was missing.

Focus. Colette tried to recall exactly what the door looked like and where exactly it had been when she was harshly shoved through it. When she opened her eyes she swore she saw the wall ripple where the door should have been. Colette gasped loudly and quickly looked around the room to see neither of the boys had heard her. If they did, they had no reaction. Kaden was laying on his back and staring at something on the ceiling and, for once, Jordy was not staring at her. That alone made her relax.

Colette took in a deep breath and closed her eyes again. She must be missing something. Then, she remembered the food slot. It must be in the door, like a door for a cat or dog to walk through without the actual door being opened. Her mind pictured the door again, this time adding the food slot.

When she opened her eyes again, the wall rippled and the door was where it was supposed to be. She had broken the illusion.

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