Chapter Nine (edited)

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"So first things first you're the key." He chuckled. "Well technically I'm the key according to your little friend but like I've already said, she was not very specific." Madie was specific but he was not going to listen to her so Colette said nothing as Kaden continued to walk towards the woods behind Colette's house. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized they were walking towards the woods. If he was not offering her answers, had not shown her the wind, she would have ran back to her house.

Colette spent the next few moments convincing herself that the only reason she was being led deep into the woods was not to be killed, but only because the information that Kaden had to tell her was so secret that he had to make one hundred percent sure that there was absolutely no chance of anyone overhearing their conversation. It was the only thing she could do to keep herself from running back to her house and locking herself in her room for the rest of her life. However long that may last.

Kaden rambled on more about him being the key to the so called barrier. More like how he was the only one who could help her break the barrier. Arrogant. How lovely, because an arrogant male was what she needed in her life right now. Especially since everything was already frustrating enough. The world must hate her if this is who they stuck her with to "break the barrier". The world had already made it pretty clear that it wanted to make her life a living hell.

The wind was still pushing against her back as she was walking, as if to shove her along if she decided to stop walking at any point. "You know the wind isn't necessary. I'm not going anywhere. I want answers just as much as you seem to want to explain them to me." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

She looked up at the sky for the first time in a while. It was dark, a lot darker than she expected it to be. It was only dusk yet the sky mimicked a pitch black, midnight one. She didn't think she had been trying to summon the wind for as long as it would have taken to get that dark.

Checking her phone only proved her suspicions. 7:43 P.M., right around the time the sun should be in the middle of setting.

"Does it normally get dark this fast?" Kaden's voice floated up from far in front of her, the wind having finally left her back. Only then did she notice she had stopped walking as she stared at the too dark dusk sky. He shrugged before letting her answer. "Never mind that, this world is breaking anyways. The more people who become aware the less the world functions properly. Soon it'll be crumbling like the real world."

"The real world?" Was this not the real world? This is where they lived, where they existed. If not the real world, what could it possibly be? Where could it possibly be?

Kaden turned around and smiled brightly. "Oh, I have so much to teach you." His smile was almost sinister as he turned back around and headed deeper into the woods.

Colette huffed before continuing to follow the blonde haired boy. He was so full of answers. "Where are we even going anyways? You keep walking any further and you're just gonna get us lost."

"You don't have any patience do you? We're gonna have to work on that little bit." Perfect, he thinks he is amusing with his stupid retorts. The world is apparently dying and right about now Colette would not mind dying with it. Someone else could break the barrier, or not at all for all she cared.

She mocked him from behind his back before falling in step beside him. "Are you ever going to answer any of my questions or am I just to assume you don't have any actual answers and you're leading me to my impending death. Since killing me seems to be the popular sport these days."

Kaden shook his head, causing some of his blonde hair to fall into his eyes. "I don't want to kill you. I'm here to help, promise." He put his hand over his heart and offered the other hand to Colette, earning a disgusted look in return. "If you want answers you're going to have to take it. You won't get to our destination without it." He pointed up in the air with the hand that was covering his heart -- assuming he had one. At the moment, it seemed as dead as chivalry.

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