Date time (part 2)

28 1 5

Alanah's P.O.V

Well me and Erin have seen everything there is to see in London, so i thaught I'd call my and Erin's best friends in the whole world. Meet Erin 2, Nsncy and Shari, welcome to London girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!, we were board and theres never a dull moment hen there around. 

Nancy's P.O.V

We got  a call from Alanah saying to come to London to visit and of course we said yes, so we were on the next flight out of here. Oh and Erin dosn't kno so it's gonna be a surprise.

Skip the flight

Erin 2's P.O.V

Alanah picked us up at the airport, she said Erin would be home from work in like an hour so we gotta go.

At the apartment

Shari's P.O.V

We were all in place for the big surprise, I heard the door opening and closing. she walked into the sitting room and we all sceamed "SURPRISE" as loud as we could, I think she heard us. She looked wicked surprise.

Erin's P.O.V

"SURPIRISE", oh my god all my best friends are here, im so happy. After I gave Nancy, Erin 2 and Shari all hugs , they explaned how Alanah set it up and she knew i as feeling a bit homesick so she asked them to come here and all that craic. So after we talked about what was happining at home, I told them about my date with Niall that night they were all really happy for me, but Shari was a bit off about the whole idea I wonder whats up, I'll ask her later. After i asked them would they help me get all prutty, they ameditly agreed. Im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys its me Erin I  just wanted to ask if you'd write more comments because I want to know hat you all think, thats all i wanted to say so bye :).

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