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Louis's P.O.V

I turned around and there was the only girl I ever loved, all the feeling's I had when i as 15 came rushing. "E-Erin" (smooth Louis smooth).

Erin's P.O.V

It hit me if I get the job i'm going to be helping the only guy I ever loved who cheated on me.

Niall's P.O.V

I turned around and their as the most beauitful girl I ever saw in my life. I  managed to say "Well Louis arn't you going to intraduced us" , and of course he said yes. He said " Gut's this is my ex Erin", and of cours I had to say " Oh why did you 2 break-up" smooth Niall smooth. 

To be continued

Hay guy's it's Erin I just wanted to give shoutout to the best friends in the world and they will be appering in the story later on :)

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