bf! milo.

207 6 7

milo as a boyfriend ;
—; whines
—; says random things @ random times
—; starts rambling about how he hates it when the members call him short
—; teases you
—; bc he somehow feels superior w you
—; doesn't care if you're taller than him
—; gets hurt when other people tease u
—; "did u just diss my gf"
—; pretends to be tough in front of you
—; challenges the romeo members in front of you
—; he'll be like
—; "let's fight 1!!1!11"
—; nd then gets scared nd runs away bc hyunkyung is so tall

[ dedicated to @CARAT_HOUR_VICTON ]
[ sorry for the long wait,you'll know why in my update !! ]

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