bf! jihun.

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jihun as a boyfriend
—;get ready for the fluffball kimchi i mean kim jihun
—;he's the definition of fluffball
—;literal. fluff. ball.
—;back hugs galore
—;hugs galore in general
—;pecks here there and everywhere
—;doesn't care if y'all are in public will still show his love for you
—;giggles giggles giggles
—;can be hella dominant at times
—;looks hot asf not just cute
—;when he's concentrating g o d
—;basically whenever he's not looking at you
—;he'll be a total hottie
—;but then turn total fluff when he sees you
—;lolz did I mention c u d d l e s
—;dresses up when going on dates with you
—;bc he knows how pretty you are :)
—;and tries to dress up so he looks as good as u
—;fr tho you never look ugly in his eyes
—;basically pure and puppy love
—;looks into your eyes
—;"i love you y/nnnnn"
—;laughs at you
—;fr if you do anything stupid he'll fall to the ground laughing
—;brings you out with the members often
—;but holds your hand and everything and keeps you with him
—;"seungjun why are you standing next to y/n !!"
—;sometimes you feel like you're third wheeling seungjun + jihun
—;but then jihun comes up and pecks you on the lips and you're fine
—;seungjun: disappointed but not surprised
—;fixes your hair and clothes for you
—;wants to watch scary movies with you
—;ends up so scared
—;screams,shouts & squeals
—;after watching the movie he'll call you at midnight
—;and be like
—;"y/n I'm scared come and sleep with me"
—;you'll just laugh at him and ask him to go back to bed
—;literally begs for you to scratch his back when Seungjun doesn't
—;one last thing: cUDDLES

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