Chapter 2:

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Ok. Now shit was getting serious. The girls in the back corner of the room started to freak out, saying that something bad was going to happen, and that they were going to die.

I just roll my eyes and walk over to Jimmy. "So what's your take on this, ol' St. Jimmy?" I say, putting a hand on his left shoulder. I have to reach up, as he's a good six inches taller than I am. He stands at around six feet. Which means I stand at five-foot-six-inches. Not short, but not tall either.

"I'm not sure. I think we should just go through the cycle as instructed. It's the only thing we can do," Jimmy replies.

"I mean, we could always just leave. It's not like there will be people to stop us," I whisper to him, a mischievous grin on my face.

"I think we should stay put. I want to leave too, but there's a possibility that the teachers might come back. Well, most of them at least," Jimmy protests.

"You're no fun, I hope you know that," I say with a pout. I then lower my head and nudge him with the top of it. I just keep nudging him with my head, until he finally notices. When he does, he takes his hand and puts it on my head, holding me back without any effort.

"Why do you always do that? Is that your way of wanting attention?" Jimmy asks, a laugh escaping his mouth as he speaks.

"Yep. How else do I get my best friend's attention? I could be annoying and just say your name until you get mad, would you like if I did that?" I reply, looking up at him.

He just ruffles my hair and takes a step back. "No, I was just asking why you do so."

"Ugh, get a fucking room you two!" Calvin says from half way across the room. All his friends laugh at us.

"Fuck off, Calvin," Jimmy snarls, "At least I can find a girl that isn't disgusted by my presence."

"Buddy, I get more action in a week than you have in your whole life."

"Wow. That's quite an impressive imagination you got there. You should make up stories like that as stand-up comedy. I hear they're real popular around here!"

"You wanna go, motherfucker?!" Calvin exclaims, taking a few steps forward, his chest puffed out as best he can. He's so skinny, he looks like a walking skeleton with flesh. Not an original description, but it's what he looks like.

"Nah. I don't want to break your scrawny ass. I'd get arrested for manslaughter," Jimmy sarcastically replies.

Calvin doesn't reply, he just charges forward, trying to shoulder charge Jimmy. Without thinking, Jimmy moves to his right a bit, leaving Calvin to miss him. Calvin then slams his head into a wooden cupboard, a loud thud ringing out as he impacts it.

"Apparently there's more skull than brain in that head if yours," Jimmy says, now having fun at harassing Calvin and winning.

Calvin stumbles for a second, holding his head. He looks up, a disgusted look on his face, looking straight into Jimmy's eyes. Jimmy turns around to focus on talking to me again. I can still see him just to the left of Jimmy, and notice he's reaching for something in his jacket. He quickly pulls out a switch-blade pocket knife and pops it open. He hesitantly stumbles/charges at Jimmy's back.

Without thinking, I push Jimmy aside, and try to disarm Calvin. I grab onto his left wrist, and struggle to get the knife free. He resists, trying to push past me. I take my free hand and punch him in the face. He drops the blade, clutching his probably broken nose.

I lean down and grab the blade off the ground. Holding it in an aggressive stance towards Calvin. Calvin doesn't notice, and makes a blind charge at me. I flinch and lunge forward, my body following my arm. I close my eyes I reaction. I hear one of the girls scream, and I snap my eyes open in shock. What I see drains all the blood from my face. I've stabbed Calvin right in the throat. Crimson colored blood seeps from the wound, and gushes into his mouth. He gurgles, clearly choking on his own blood.

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