Pie and Peanut butter

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"I thought you said you liked this game!" Conan complained as he smirked at his sister. 

Ashley looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, it feels wrong." She stated and turned around to keep walking down the path on the way home. They were walking together when she had suddenly stopped and told Conan she felt bad over the game. "Besides, in a way, we're kind of using Ryder. Do you even like him like that?" She asked and Conan felt a pang of nervousness to his chest. Of course he liked Ryder. He was cute, flirty, funny and he couldn't help but feel a little weird around him. No guy had ever made Conan feel like that. 

He turned to her and rolled his eyes. "Yes." he stated calmly. "So, maybe I shouldn't have made up such a stupid game, but I can tell he definitely likes the attention."He raised a brow and smirked. They kept walking when they both laughed and shook it off. 

When they got home, they saw the infamous 1967 Chevrolet Impala sitting in their driveway. The metal was sleek and black, shiny and washed regularly. The inside was furnished in a beige leather, making it seem more unique than it really was. This car was infamous because it meant their favorite uncle was visiting, Rolan. He was hardly old enough to be their uncle as they were nearly eighteen and he was only twenty-five. He was the younger one one four siblings on their mother's side. 

He was nice and genuinely caring. Though, sometimes, he looked like he'd been to Hell and back, mainly because his fiancee, Millie left him the year prior. Other than that, the twins loved him and felt comfortable him. Conan felt as if he could talk to him, because Rolan had come out as bisexual few years ago and he wasn't shunned by the family or disrespected. 

"Cool. Dean's down." Conan smiled at his sister's words. 

"Yeah. I'm hungry." he replied, his mind permanently turned to food until he got some. 

"You're always hungry." She smacked him on the back of the shoulder, smiling as they walked inside.  When they got inside, Conan immediately smelt the familiar air of pie. He smiled as he walked into the kitchen, greeted everyone and immediately walked over to the bench, where a cherry pie sat, steaming and fresh. He barely looked at his mother, asking permission before she nodded and he grabbed a plate, serving himself some desert. He then grabbed the peanut butter and placed it on top, grabbing a fork and walking out of the kitchen. 

He was receiving weird stares as he left, so he yelled out, "So what? I like peanut butter." before leaving and going upstairs into his room. He placed the plate on his bedside table and grabbed his phone from his pocket, noticing he had a text. From Ryder. He had named his contact, 'Ryder is Hot'. 

Ryder is Hot: Hey. I was wandering if you wanted to see 'The Edge Of Seventeen' tonight? 

Conan smiled and typed a reply. 

Hmm...sure. Does that mean you choose me? 

It was a while before there was a reply and when Conan saw the new message, he grinned ear to ear. 

Ryder is Hot: Don't flatter yourself. You are cute though. 

Hmm thank you. What time? 

Ryder is Hot: Eight thirty. I'll come to your house and walk you there. Be there in a few hours.  

Conan smiled to himself and began to get ready. He wasn't sure if this was a date or just getting together to simply watch a move, but he could easily count it as a date and now have two dates with the guy he and his sister were fighting over. That would mean Ashley would only have one. She was losing. Good. 

Conan decided to have a shower after watching a few episodes of Stranger Things. After his half-hour shower, he got dressed in a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans before heading downstairs and waiting for Ryder to show up. He played his phone for a while before Ashley randomly showed up behind him, looking over his shoulder. "You smell nice and you're not dressed in your smell pajamas. You're going out." She stated, making him roll his eyes. 

"Yep. Got another date with Ryder." He smirked and turned, seeing her annoyed glare. 

"He chose me first." she crossed her arms and pouted. 

"Yeah, but that was before he knew I existed." Conan smiled and went back to his phone. Ashley went into the kitchen, presumably to prepare some dinner for herself. 

When Conan had just locked his phone, he heard a knock on the door. He went to open it and found the hottest sight. Ryder was dressed in a maroon top with navy blue hem, beige skinny jeans and Doc Martins. Conan looked him up and down, biting his lip at the sight of his unruly hair and cheeky smile. 

"Ready?" He smiled and Conan simply nodded, too nervous to add in a comment about his date's outfit. 

They walked out the door and began, on their way to the movies. It was going to be hard to focus with Ryder dressed like that. He swallowed audibly as they entered the cinema. He was fucked. 


HI! If anybody's reading this at all, thank you!! 

Team Conan or Team Ashley? 

And, yes. I love Supernatural. 

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