Where we stand

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Karissa's POV (4 months later)

August and I are still together and going strong. However, lately, he's been distant. Amiah is 2 now and Aaliyah is 4 months old. Alexis and I have been planning for our boutique and working on collaborations with different artists. Her and Darian have settled pretty well, and have decided to have a family.

"Karissa." Chris walked in.

"Hey big bro. I haven't seen you in forever." I stood up and hugged him.

"I know. I heard about your clothing line and I want to do a collaboration." he sat on the couch.

"Ok." I sat back down.

"Alexis showed me some of your clothes and designs and I took that and created a little something." he pulled out the papers.

"These are nice." I looked through them all.

"I been thinking about it for a few weeks now." he put them back in the folder.

"Ok, good. You know we need a contract and all that, right?" I stood up.

"Yeah. After this show tomorrow with Aug and Ty I'll come to your office." he shook my hand.

"Ok. Bye silly butt." I smiled.

"Bye." he laughed and walked out.

I was reading a magazine article with my name on it and an article. I read it and couldn't believe all the lies:

According to TMZ, Karissa Smith, August Alsina's long time girlfriend is pregnant again. They've broken up. Alsina has Amiah, his 2 year old with Miracle Watts and Smith reportedly has Aaliyah, their 8 month old baby girl. The reports say they have split because of August's career. Smith wasn't satisfied with what he had to offer, so he left her.

I rolled my eyes and threw it in the table. August walked in with Amiah and Aaliyah.

"Hey bae." I smiled.

"Hey." he said kind of annoyed.

"I got candy." Amiah ran up with 2 bags.

"You did?" I kissed her cheek.

"Yes. This for you." she handed me one.

"Aww, thanks baby." I smiled.

"You welcome." she ran back to August.

"Daddy, we put the baby down?" she looked at Aaliyah in the car seat.

"Not right now." he threw his wallet on the table and took off his shoes.

"Ok." she stomped over to the corner where her toys were.

"Look." I stood up, handed him the magazine and picked up Aaliyah.

"Why the fuck you reading this shit?" he threw it on the floor.

"You should care when people are saying false things about you." I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Fuck what people think!" he yelled, waking Aaliyah and scaring Amiah.

"Amiah, go upstairs." he said, still staring at me.

"I wanna play." she said.

"Go!" he yelled. She ran off crying.

"Amiah." I got up.

"Come back here." August said.

"No. That was fucked up." I rolled my eyes.

"Get back here. Now." he grabbed my wrist and snatched me back, almost making me drop the baby.

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