Talk That Talk

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Karissa's POV

Darian put Amiah down in the guest room and came back. I was feeding Aaliyah when he sat next to me.

"I wanna talk to you." he smiled.

"About?" I put the bottle down.

"You and August." he grabbed Aaliyah from me.

"What about him?" I rolled my eyes.

"You have to eventually see him again. After all, you do have a pretty baby girl together." he rubbed her cheek and she smiled.

"You're right. But I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he did." I sighed.

"You should at least try. For the babies. I'm about to have my own and I can't wait. I'm ready to do any and everything to be in their lives." he grabbed Aaliyah's hand.

"You would make such a great father. The world needs more niggas like you." I smiled.

He laughed. "What was wrong with August anyway?" he gave Aaliyah back to me.

"I don't know. He just said I am what's wrong with him. He said if he wouldn't have never got with me it would've never happened. I'm not even sure what he was talking about." I sighed.

"Oh." he looked down.

"What?" I smirked.

 "Nothing." he smiled.

"Oh ok." I laughed.

"Will you be ok here? I gotta go take care of something." he grabbed his jacket.

August's POV

I was sitting in the living room after Karissa, Amiah, and Aaliyah left. I looked down at the magazine she gave me. I got mad again and punched a hole in the wall. I went to the room and jumped on the bed. I looked at all her old posters from my tours and all her pictures of me. I slowly started to cry as I thought about what I had done. The kids were probably gonna get taken from me and I had probably lost her for good.

"Would you like to explain what the hell got into you?" Darian walked in and turned on the light, scaring me.

"What you mean?" I wiped my face and sat up.

"You know exactly what the fuck I mean! She had no idea what you were mad about! She shows you something that was bothering her! You're supposed to support her, not blow up in her damn face! If yo ass was mad about something, you should've at least told her what you were mad about! It's not her fault! YOU chose to get into her situation! You ain't have to! YOU made that decision! She warned you!" he looked pissed.

"I know, but..." I started.

"Ain't no I know! Any explanation you give is shit to me! Aug, you my nigga and all, but that was complete bullshit. You threaten her with a knife, put your damn hands on her, and then disown y'all kids? That was fucked up. I don't give a hot fuck about anything you have to say! Stupid shit. Pissed me the fuck off. I'm about to have a child of my own and never will I ever disrespect Alexis like that!" he said.

"I know." I shook my head.

"That's that fuck shit." he walked out and slammed the door, leaving me with my thoughts.


Hope you enjoyed. #AlsinaNation😇

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