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Louis woke up with an uncomfortable feeling object pressed against his back. Oopsie, I must have turned in my sleep, he thought.  He had no idea what it was, so he started to think. Maybe it was Harry's phone. Or maybe Harry got scared in the middle of the night and got a flashlight. Or maybe it's a television remote.

Whatever it was, Louis didn't really like the feeling of it poking and jabbing his lower spine. Louis decided to try and wake Harry up and ask him what the object is because it was really uncomfortable and hard.

Louis wiggled out of Harry's embrace, which made Harry groan and roll onto his back. Louis tried to be silent as he moved, and sat directly on his crotch. Which made Harry moan a little, which confused Louis.

Louis moved down to sit on Harry's legs and lowered his head so that his face was right in front of Harry's crotch. This must've been the thing that was poking me. Louis thought, referring to Harry's morning wood. Then he poked it, thinking that it was Harry's phone.

Harry eyes immediately snapped open and trailed down to the cutie that was examining his manhood.

"Little Red, w-what are you doing?" Harry questioned.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry," Louis apologized as he sat up. "It's just that when I woke up, something was poking my back and I wanted to know what it was. I'm sorry, I was just curious." Louis said as he scooted closer to Harry's crotch and tried to reach for the hem of his pants, still thinking it was Harry's phone.

"That's OK," Harry rushed out as he sat up and reached for Louis' hand, stopping him from coming any closer to touching his boner.

Louis blushed and apologized again. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so overprotective of your phone. I'm sorry."

"Right, y-yeah, my phone. That was the thing that was poking you. Terribly sorry." Louis squeezed Harry's hand and smiled.

"That's OK. So, um, that's a pretty big phone you got. I've never actually had a phone before, do mind if I see it?" Louis replied.

Harry's eyes widened and he panicked, he forgot all about his 'phone.'

"Um, we s-should go wash our faces a-and brush our teeth," Harry stuttered, trying to change the subject.

"OK," Louis smiled and got off of Harry, heading straight to the bathroom.

Gosh, that was so embarrassing, Harry thought as he ran his hands over his face. He got up and followed Louis to the bathroom.

There Louis was, brushing his teeth with toothpaste all over his bottom lip. It looks like he's deep throating that toothbrush. Gosh, I have never wanted to be a toothbrush so bad.

Louis noticed Harry looking at him in the mirror and blushed and they made eye contact. Harry blushed too because Louis had caught him staring.

Louis rinsed his mouth and cleaned the foam around his mouth.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Harry muttered as he walked towards the sink.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing I just-you know- I..I um-I-I-I-I need to...pee."

"Oh, OK." Louis bought the lie and skipped out of the bathroom.

Harry closed the door and walked back to the sink, and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Why am I like this?" Harry whined.

"Ugh, now I have to get rid of this boner." Harry sighed.


Louis skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Anne was reading the newspaper.

"Good morning Ms. Cox," Louis cheerfully greets.

"Good morning Louis. Please, sit down. I want to talk." Anne motioned to the chair in front of her as she talked.

"OK, what about?" Louis asked as he sat down.

"Harry. Is he treating you well?" Anne smiled as she set the newspaper aside.

"Oh yes, Harry is absolutely lovely. He-"

"Do you like my son?" Anne interrupted.

"Yes, of course, he's my best friend!" Louis grinned as he thought about his best friend.

"I meant as more than a friend. Like a.....boyfriend."


"Yes boyfriend. You know, cuddling, hugging, holding hands, and well, kissing. And doing other intimate things." Anne wiggled her eyebrows. She was getting a little impatient. She just needed Louis to start dating Harry and make him 'normal' so that she could start dating again without Harry getting in her way.

"Boyfriend?" Louis questioned again. He and Harry already did that, but they were only best friends, he thought that's what best friends did.

"Goddamnit Louis! Do you like my son or not?!" Anne yelled as she pounded her fists on the table, losing the little patience she had left.

"Listen here, you little shit," Louis whispered as his eyes turned all black and he rose up from his seat,"you will not rush me. I have waited for this moment for thousands of years and you, of all mortals, will not ruin it for me. I will do what I have to do when it is time. And you," Louis pointed at Anne, "-will not get in my way!" Louis shouted the last part and sat back down, eyes turning back to normal.

"I mean, I don't know. I don't really know how to tell if I like someone like that," Louis blushed.

Anne sat wide-eyed and scared in her seat. What just happened? She thought to herself.

Right at that moment, Harry came down the stairs and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Morning," he greeted before he bit into the apple. Louis just smiled.

"Good morning," Anne whispered as she looked down at her lap and tried to process what had happened.

"Well, Louis and I are going out. Right, Lou?" Harry was just making up an excuse to get out of the house. His mother was acting weird, she's been happy lately and now she's back to ignoring him. He was going to give her some space so that she could sort things out.

"OK." Louis agreed. "Thank you for letting me stay the night Ms. Cox. This is an experience that I'll never forget." Harry smiled and blushed while Anne gulped and nervously laughed.

"N-No problem," Anne stuttered.

"Let's go Lou." Harry threw his apple in the trash and walked towards the front door. He held it open for Louis and waited for him.

"Thank you again Ms. Cox." Louis' eyes turned all black like earlier and winked as he waved goodbye. His eyes already back to normal by the time he turned around.

Louis smiled at Harry and walked outside.

AN Please tell me it wasn't that bad. Check out my other stories, they aren't that bad. I think. Well, bye.

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