First Day

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Maddison's P.O.V

Well today was the first day and I can say I wasn't the most excited person about this; I mean I know it sounds weird that probably lots of people are excited on their first day, but I totally wasn't. I'm different again, right?!!

''Have fun, sweetie!'' Mom says and she and dad drive away.

I'm left in front of the big red brick building that looks terrifying at first because you think that there so many things that you have to learn just because the building is huge, but I guess that's a mistake lots of people make often.

I swallowed and walked into th building, not caring of how many looks I got from the kids there, which was probably because I was new, but it felt like I was the only new kid in school.

I sighed and walked further, hoping that I will meet Katy there somewhere, but it didn't happen and I was beginning to ask myself if she pranked me or if I was at the right school.

I took a deep breath and when I reached the main hall I could see lots of people walking and talking and you couldn't even see the floor anymore because it was full of students everywhere.

They were all different.

Some of them had colourful quiffs.

Some of them were full of tattoos.

One of them had curly hair.

But one caught my attention; he was blonde and he was playing a video game on a portable video game and he was standing against a locker, I guess waiting for everyone to pass so he can get to his class.

I tried making my way into the crowd because I didn't even know where I was and I wanted to find out if I was at least at the right level of the building.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and then I turned around to see Katy standing right there with her stunning blue eyes looking straight at me.

''Hey!'' I said and hugged her.

''I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!'' She said jumping up.

''ME TOO!!!'' I said.

I seriously didn't know why I was so excited about being here but I guess just the fact that I've met her made me happy because, after all, it's been a long time since we've seen each other and I realised we have so much to catch up on.

''Omg we have so much to catch up on!'' She said, running a hand through her blonde hair and making me laugh at myself because I just said that in my head, but I guess because we're kind of best friends, we think the same.

''Well do you mind showing me around the school?'' I asked.

''Sure, follow me.'' She said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me through the crowd of people.

We arrived into a place, I'm sure it was the cafeteria because it was full of tables and food everywhere.

''This is the cafe, as I like to call it.'' She said, making a pretty good French accent.

''This is the sports room.'' She said, once we arrived into a pretty huge room, with the flag of the football team of the school I guess.

It looked pretty interesting since at the other school the room looked completly different and they didn't even do football, but basketball.

''Well it looks interesting.But what if I don't really know how to play football?'' I asked.

It was a normal question.In deed I played football a little bit with my older brother but that doesn't mean I know the rules...

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