Authors Note *2

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After the last Authors note, I assumed I wasn't coming back here again. But a few comments made me realise that the lack of reads and comments didn't matter. I write because I love it. Because I want to. And I stories on this site to share something I love with people who share the same passion as I. 

So I'm back. 

But not now. 

I realised Letters To Cassidy has a whole lot of potential. Maybe the most out of all my stories. But the plot and they way it has been written so far is something I am not happy with. If you go back to chapter 2, you will see a HUGE change. Character names, plot etc..

This will continue and I will be editing every chapter of LTC gradually, over time and making it as enjoyable as I can make it. 

For silent lovers of this story, I thank you. But otherwise, I will see you when LTC is up to date with any changes I have made. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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