Chapter 2

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So I got excited and decided to upload again, comment if you can, it'll be really appreciated!

Dedication to @TheMaximumOne   for encouraging me to carry on :) 


My mother parked in the driveway, her and Miriam happily conversing with each other. I silently got out of the car, and trudged inside. Our house was small and detached, just enough to accommodate my mother, Mariam and I. My crème bedroom walls held pictures of me and April, ones I had never bothered to take down after we stopped being friends.

 I studied her eyes, as they crinkled with laughter, while I threw my head back and laughed. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed. I got down on all fours and looked underneath my bed, there was hidden a wooden box, filled to the brim with gifts I had received from April. I spotted an old diary I had kept, and flicked to the first page.

Dear Diary,

Today it was my first day at a new school here in Ashford. I met a girl. She had the brightest blond hair, and she sat alone at a bench reading a book. She looked smart, perhaps like she regularly sat there and read. I studied her profile, as she sat hunched over. Mum said to give people a chance, to approach people to make friends. So I did. I said to her “Hi” she looked up, and looked slightly surprised, but she too replied “Hello”. We sat in silence for a while, her reading her book, me watching. Then she surprised me by saying “You’re committing social suicide you know, sitting next to me” I contemplated what she said, then replied “I don’t care” her lips turned upwards slightly, and her composure changed, as if deciding she liked me. “I’m Cass” I told her holding out my hand. “April” she replied. I think we’re going to be good friends…

My eyes watered slightly, and I ran my fingers underneath them. Pushing the box hastily back underneath the bed, I jumped up and ran down the stairs.

“Cass, is that you?” I ignored my mother’s calls and took running. My feet pounded on the pavement in steady beats, my breath came out in pants. I needed to focus on anything but her. I continued to run; my legs already begging me to stop. A nearby park came into view, and I headed for it, April’s face still fresh on my mind. I ran down the field, slowing into a jog and then a walk. Before I knew it, something large came pounding towards me and jumped. I shrieked, and felt its tongue lick my face. I giggled slightly, at the dog, attempting to push it off me.

“Rory!” I heard someone shout, but I continued to scratch the dog behind his ears, smiling down at it.

“Rory” I looked up at its owner. It was a boy, about my age, a black woolly hat on his, dressed in jeans and a turtleneck. He had brown hair, and inviting eyes, I smiled tentatively at him.

“I’m sorry” he apologised “Rory gets a bit…excitable”

I smiled “It’s okay” we stood in an awkward silence for a while, neither of us knowing what to say.

“Are you okay?” he asked “You look rather…down”

“I’m fine” I assured him. But a tear slipped, which I tried but failed to wipe hastily.

“Hey” his voice was soft, and he approached me cautiously.

“I’m fine” I repeated my voice firm

He nodded, not looking like he believed me, but not saying anything either.

We both watched Rory run around in circles for a while, the wind kissed my bare skin and sent a tiny jitter up my spine. I shivered.

“You look familiar” the boy said, boring his eyes into mine.

My tears forgotten, I blushed at the scrutiny and turned away “How?”

From my peripheral vision I saw him shrug “I’m Jamie”

I whipped my head back around and too realised that he looked familiar.

“Are you...” I hesitated “Jamie Brown?”

He gave a wry smile “Am I that unrecognisable now?”

Jamie Brown was the icon in our school. Every boy wanted to be him, every girl wanted him. He had perfect grades, a perfect smile. He was perfection in itself.  And then he just upped and left, never to be seen again.

“What happened” I couldn’t bite my tongue, the curiosity was overwhelming.

“Things changed” his eyes took a distant look before he forced a smile in my direction and hunched over to pet Rory.

I just watched him, recalling the year that he dated Tilly. She wouldn’t stop gushing, telling us all about how great he was. One lunchtime I had asked her, like the attentive friend I wanted to be “How’s Jamie?”

She had scowled, shot me an irritated look and replied “Don’t talk about it. I want some water”

Like the obedient lap dog that I was, I did just as she asked.

Noticing the darkening of the skies and the sudden lighting of the street lights, I contemplated heading home.

“You know” Jamie whispered “You never really know some unless…well unless you can stick through with them”

“What do you mean?”

Like he suddenly realised I was there he shook his head “Never mind, I’m just babbling”

I nodded, unconvinced “I’ll see you around Jamie”

It was not before I had got to the gate that I had turned around to give him my name. But he was gone. Bearing with him unanswered questions that I held.


Later, as I slipped through the front door, my mother rushed out, worry etched all over her features “Cassandra Louise Bennett, where ever did you run off to?”

I sent her an apologetic look “I had to clear my head”

She nodded “I heard about April” she rushed forward “Oh Cass, why didn’t you tell me?” I shrugged into her shoulder, my mind suddenly flitting back to the events earlier.

“A parcel came for you” My mother said “It’s in your room”. I sighed, assuming it was nothing.

“Let’s have dinner first”. I didn’t know then, that the last pieces of April I yearned to hold, were within arm’s reach. 

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