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layla POV

I took one last look in the mirror making sure I looked presentable for my job interview. I fixed my hair and I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door. I walked to my car and started the engine.

I was really nervous for my job interview at Dallas incorporated, which is run by the one and only Cameron Dallas. I was very intimidated by him because he was so powerful and intriguing.

After 15 minutes I reached the building and found a parking. I looked up at the gigantic building. It had about 100 floors and was very busy at all times.

I walked in the building and walked to the front desk. I cleared my throat and gave her a polite smile.

"I'm here to see Mr. Dallas for my job interview, my name is Layla Marshall." I said politely

"Ah there is it, welcome Layla Mr. Dallas is on the highest floor and the front desk there will send you into his office." she said

"Thank You" I smiled and walked into the elevator.

I clicked the highest floor as the elevator blasted up as my stomach started turning. I sighed and saw the front desk. She sent me into Mr. Dallas's huge office.

I walked in and saw an amazing view of the whole city. The office was big and was simple. Cameron turned around and was wearing a black suit and his hair was spiked up. He was pretty attractive i'm not gonna lie.

"Please Ms. Marshall have a seat" he said

I gave him a small smile and I sat down in the comfy, white chair. He looked at me and smiled as he was finishing some paperwork.

"Go ahead, Im all yours" he said

I explained to him all my experience and why I wanted this job. He was listening very carefully and was actually interested. I handed him my resumé as he throughly looked through it. I stopped talking as he gave me another smile showing his perfect teeth.

"Well Ms. Marshall I'm very impressed" he said

"Please it's just Layla" I said nervously biting my lip.

He glanced at my lips and shifted in his seat. He seemed uncomfortable and anxious. Did I do something?

"Well you clearly are a great person for this job" he said and buttoned his suit and adjusting his tie.

"You're hired" he laughed

My face instantly lit up as I smiled. Relief filled my body thank god I got this job. I was so nervous. He knew that I was very nervous and he knew he was intimidating.

"Thank You" I smiled and shook his hand firmly and politely

"I would like to invite you to dinner, with me of course, if you're free" he said

I was confused, like a date? or just a friendly dinner? What was I going to wear? I didn't say anything and gently shifted in my seat clearing my throat.

"Tomorrow night at 7?" he questioned never breaking eye contact

"Yes that's fine" I smiled

"Perfect, you start tomorrow and we will go after work" he said

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked curiously

"It's a surprise" he whispered

He chuckled as he walked me to the elevator.

"It's okay I got it from here" I smiled

"You look like a very busy man" i said

"No, no it's okay" he smiled

He pushed the button in the elevator as I nervously coughed breaking the silence. He looked at me and gently pushed me to wall. I dropped my purse as he unexpectedly kissed my lips.

He roughly kissed me, shoving his tongue in my mouth. His lips were moist and soft, as we moved in perfect sync. I kissed back as his hands roamed my body. This was definitely the longest elevator ride ever.

As my hands ran through his perfect brown hair. I gently tugged and pulled his hair in perfect pleasure. He pulled away when the elevator door rang.

I gasped for air as he knelted down and grabbed my purse and handed it to me.

"See you tomorrow" he breathed out.

I quickly walked out the lobby and ran to my car. Holy Shit, what just happened? I said to myself. Damn he's a good kisser I thought.

I quickly drove home and ran into my roommate Erica. She smiled at me. Erica was my very best friend and I loved her to death.

"How was the interview?" she asked

"I got the job, and he asked me to dinner, and i kissed him" I said quickly

"What?" Erica asked as her eyes widened

"I don't know if it's a date" i said and got a water bottle

"Of course its a date you kissed him!" she practically yelled

Cameron hasn't been with a girl or not that we know of. His life is so private and he doesn't come out with this stuff publicly.

I hope I get the know him better and more about his life. I mean, it's a date right??


Thank you for reading my book!


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