ch. ≫ 3

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layla pov

i really liked mr. dallas, and i was intrigued by this contract. i grabbed my pen and signed the contract on the bottom. i turned off the light and went to sleep. the next morning, i took a quick shower and did my usual routine. i then grabbed an apple and quickly headed out the door.

after 20 minutes i arrived at dallas incorporated. i glanced at the contract one last time and quickly put it back in my bag. i walked into the big glass door and went up to cameron's office. i fixed my skirt and knocked the door politely.

"come in" a deep husky voice said

i walked into the door and took a deep breath, bracing myself. i made eye contact with cameron as he adjusted his tie motioning me to sit down on the chair. he let out a small smile and cleared his throat giving me a small smile.

"i had fun last night layla" he said smiling at me

"yeah me too" i said

"so did you look over the contract? did you come to a decision yet?" cameron rushed

"uh... yes i actually did" i said lightly and reached into my purse grabbing the yellow envelope and handing it to cameron.

"mhm i'm pleased with your decision, i assure you, you won't regret it" cameron smiled at me

"sky, if we want this to work, communication is key, it's important we tell each other our feelings and remember to be honest" cameron explained and furrowed his eyebrows

"yes, i 100% agree" i said and nodded my head

"good" cameron said and put his hands in his suit pockets

"i'd like to have lunch..... at my house today, if you're free" cameron said politely

"but i have a job to do.....downstairs" i said nervously

"no, it's okay you can take a break and have lunch with me" cameron said

he walked up behind me and i quickly cleared my throat and pulled my skirt down. cameron places his large hands on my shoulders, making me lightly gasp. he moved all my hair to one side of my face and leaned closer to me. i felt his light breath bouncing off my skin.

i instantly got goosebumps and gripped the chair.

"i'll see you at 12" he whispered as his hot breath hit my neck

i nodded my head as he pulled away waking to his desk. i got up from the chair and walked down the hallway, as my heels made firecracker noises as i walked to the elevator. i took a deep breath, honestly i was kind of nervous what is gonna happen at lunch today, i mean it's at his house, which is basically code for sex? right?

12 'O clock

i checked my watch and realized it was 12. i lightly gasped as i quickly finished up an article i was writing for mr. dallas's magazine article. it was a rough draft and i needed to edit it later making sure it was decent. i checked my phone as i quickly answered it, it was from cameron.

"layla, meet me on the roof" he simply said and hung up

i clutched my phone to my chest and took a deep breath. i was excited and nervous at the same time, i wonder what's the gonna happen? sex.... right?

cameron pov

i anxiously waiting for layla on the roof, i was looking forward to spending time for her. i mean i really liked her. after a few minutes of waiting i saw her coming out of the elevator and i instantly smiled. i looked at her, she was so beautiful, her green eyes were perfect, her body was amazing, and her smile is so contagious.

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