Ch.7 Silver Cup

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The breeze of cold air always never seemed to bother (y/n). When she was a knight the winds would only be her friend when they guided her in battle. Swift and never fearless in the sight of a foe.

Now it was a bitter sweet memory, with being her wings being paralyzed forever. A tiny bit of hope was in her, to feel that her wings would still work, even if they barely flapped in the air.

She was dressed up in her old armor that covered her from the breasts to her knees, always how a knight should wear during a journey or battle. From her window came a rapping sound as she turned around and opened it up.

Malach stood there, holding his hand out. "Are you ready?"

Her blood sang inside her veins at the thought of action. "Ready for anything."

Just then, her wooden door opened up to the devil himself, Sebastian. He wore his usual wear, but from the opening of his coat was the faintest of silver. (y/n) has seen him fight before when the manor was being robbed and strangely he fought with knives or daggers, nothing more than mere kitchen tools.

Malach scrunched up his nose in distaste, "I forgot you were coming."

Sebastian flashed him a smile, but (y/n) knew from the two years working him that it was a smile of dislike. "Well let's not forget our little talk from this morning. The Lord is asleep and I have the tools for killing, I'll be a greater help than you would think, prince."

Malach stiffen up, hating the sound of the word prince from Sebastian's mouth. "I would advise you only call me Malach, demon."

"The name's Sebastian, Malach. Don't forget it either."

(y/n) groaned and leaned at the side of the window. "Can we get going before the sun rises?"

"Oh," Malach stated. "We have no worry over that." He showed the ring around his finger. "This ring will help us transport with the location according to the minion helping Ariel."

Sebastian stared at the ring Malach wore, the crystal clear glass protection over the single white jewel inside, but it flashed different ranges of color from time to time. It sparked an interest inside to know that angels had other ways of transporting.

"Now then, hold onto me." Malach stretched out his hand.

(y/n) held onto his shoulder while Sebastian did the same, his hand siding down on top of (y/n)'s. Her heart did a skip of a beat as Sebastian didn't really mean to let his hand side onto hers, but he strangely liked it, but didn't say it out loud.

Transportation felt weird to (y/n), but it felt like flying almost while standing on nothing. In the blink of a second they stood on solid ground of dirt, along with rows of a forest. In the distance was a lit lamp with some voices surrounded by all of the trees.

"Stay still and quiet," Malach whispered quietly.

Sebastian and (y/n) stayed low and followed Malach through the woods, dipping around some bushes and jumping over a stream nearby. The coldness seemed to bite at (y/n)'s skin like knives, and it was only the beginning of spring.

The voices became louder and louder, but they sounded jokingly more than serious like guardsmen. The people guarding the entrance to the small house were red in the cheeks, meaning they were drunk.

Sebastian chuckled quietly to himself. "Is it so boring in these woods they drink wine? I must say, humans are very stupid at times."

"Indeed." Malach reported back, turning to the two. "This is the plan. Sebastian and you, (y/n), will take down the guards and run inside to check for any more of them. Kill or simply knock them out while I rush in and grab the silver cup."

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