Ch.27 Joker

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Heaven was rarely given justice from the Bible. It is a place where God and his Son, Jesus Christ, lived together with angels and those who did virtue in their lives. It has never told mortals there were a royal family and a certain system in place in the holy kingdom of God. Clouds so pure white they sparkled like diamonds, the water crystal clear, people laughing and always full of love. They were always told to protect mortals, even though some dare sin. Or worse, commit a seven deadly sin.

(y/n) looked up at the sky, where the stars and planets were in a place where mortals would only see a blue sky. She looked over at the brilliant sun, its waves of fire adsorbing and bouncing around the small star. A single thought always came to mind whenever she looked directly at the glowing gas ball.

Morning Star

"Wake up. The circus doesn't wait for anybody."

(y/n) jumped at Sebastian's voice. He held his hand out for her to grab to exit out of the carriage. Without eye contact, she took it and felt the bitter nip of a winter frost. The circus was filled to the brim with lights flashing everywhere. They had visited the Undertaker before coming, and with surprise, even he could not determine if the children were alive or deceased.

She kept close to Sebastian's side, holding his hand the entire time as Ciel was on Sebastian's right. The plan was to disguise (y/n) as Ciel's mother; she was a widow and kept to the butler's side to keep her loneliness at ease from the passing of her husband's death. Looking around, the plan seemed to be operating excellently.

They followed the crowd as Ciel, Sebastian, and (y/n) found seats in the back of the stage. Even with (y/n)'s angel sense, there wasn't any huge childlike life force grouping around.

"Sebastian, did you see any suspicious character when entering?" Ciel asked, setting his top hat on his lap.

"I'm afraid I haven't, my lord. It seems to be a simple circus act."

(y/n) kept to silence, she wasn't too keen to speak since the incident. Ciel decided to not push her since she would open her mouth to speak if she had a reason. Sebastian, on the other hand, would try to do light talking. Such as, 'how is the tea?', and the responses are 'good, excellent, and a bit more sugar please'.

The lights dimmed as everyone's voices went to hush whispers. From the center stage came out a man that (y/n) could tell from his life force, he was missing a hand. He had color paint on his face and an interesting costume as he stepped towards the center light.

"Ladies and gents! Welcome to the Noah's Ark Circus!"

Behind the colorful gentleman, a litter of people just as unfamiliar and unique like him came pouring out. The announcer explained the acts and how the night would go. From out in the crowd, the announcer would locked eyes with (y/n) on the occasion. The smile he wore was cheerful and radiant, so full of life from one whose arm was robbed from him.

(y/n) watched in silence and awe at the acts being performed by the circus. She heard about them while up in Heaven, but they said mortals could only do so much with the limitations upon their bodies. This was... something else unusual entirely. Humans have advanced faster than she thought, for them to be eating fire, bending their bodies without breaking any bones, it was incredible.

"Their act seems rather normal for a traveling circus," Ciel commented.

"Indeed," Sebastian said, "but there is a charm about them that stimulates the audience. And there seem to be no children being forced to act that I can see."

(y/n) opened her mouth, her voice cracked from not talking and quickly tried to lower it before the audience could hear. "Yes, but even so, it can't be a random miracle that everywhere the circus goes children go missing. There must be a base or some area they keep for the children to stay at, otherwise, someone would notice a lost child if one escape."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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