Chapter 6 Love Begins with a Single Touch

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Hermione's POV

After reading in Snape's library for a few more hours Hermione started to slowly drift off to sleep. The green and silver couch was much more comfortable than the chair by the fire she had been subjected to earlier. She was unaware that she was being watched very closely by a certain pair of black coal eyes. As sleep finally took her over she lay there motionless breathing softly. Snape watched her for a few more minutes before deciding upon moving closer to her. 

She looked positively exhausted. He thought of when he had seen her at the beginning of the year compared to now. 'She's probably having nightmares of the war.' Snape couldn't help but think how much he wanted to help her get rid of all that plagued her life with negativity. He wanted to be there to comfort her but couldn't quite come to terms with that yet. He bent over her brushing his fingers against her cheek lightly. She stirred slightly causing him to retreat and study her once again. Hermione had become his sole interest as of late and he needed to know why she just got under his skin.

Even the lightest touch of her skin on his sent an unwelcome but pleasant chill down his spine. He had never expected the young Gryffindor to ever be so comfortable around him. She never ceased to amaze him in the least. However, he still denied it that she was growing on him. Even with Draco he had defended her but hadn't quite understood why himself. 'She is rather breathtaking isn't she?' Severus groaned inwardly retreating to his chambers. His thoughts were all over the place but as always they stopped at Lily. He couldn't escape her. She had always been there up until he called her that dreaded name. Maybe that was why he took such offense to Draco using it on Hermione.

Hermione's POV

Hermione woke to the sound of a crackling fire. She soon realized that she was all alone in Snape's library. Checking her watch she realized that it was now going on five in the evening. If she hurried she could make it to the Great Hall for dinner. Hermione got up and straightened her clothes out trying to dissolve the wrinkles in her robes. What she didn't realize is that a book was still laying on her and went crashing into the floor almost ending up in the fire. 'Oh no. Severus is going to kill me if I ruin his book. Wait I just called Professor Snape, Severus.' 

Hermione mentally cursed herself as the door opened with a bang causing her to fall over. When she peeked over the edge of the couch she realized it was Draco and he was in a defensive wands at the ready position. He seemed to spot her though and came around the edge of the couch with an angry expression. His face softened when he seen the bushy haired brunette on the floor.

"Thank you for scaring the daylights out of me Malfoy," she said with a slight snarl. He looked like he didn't care but was curious why she was still here alone.

"Granger. Apologies but I thought you were an intruder. Severus has only ever let a couple of people in here, myself included of course," he replied with a matter of fact attitude. Hermione scoffed earning a glare from Draco. Then she turned serious when she stood up to meet his eyes.

"Have you seen Sev...Professor Snape?" Hermione asked. 'Woo careful there you almost showed your affections for Snape.' Draco eyed her for a moment before clicking his tongue and smirking.

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