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I made my way to Riker's room, bracing myself for what i would have to face. Rocky told us he'd lost his memory but i was determined to help him get it back. There's no way Riker would ever forget about any of us. Not for long anyway. I picked up the tray of good that was outside the room and pushed the door open with my back. I turned around and froze. The bed was empty and the blankets were strewn all over the floor. But the worst thing was that the Windows were thrown open, curtains flapping in the wind. I screamed and dropped the tray and went to the window. There were tracks leading from the flower bed out towards the main road. Riker had made a run for it. He was lost with no memories of who or where he was. I sank to the floor, sobbing for a brother I may never see again.

I stumbled down the street, still slightly week from the loss of blood, not really knowing where I was or where I was going. I didn't recognize the street but i didn't feel lost. My vision began to get blurry. I blinked furiously and shook my head to get rid of the  spots now dancing in my vision. Suddenly I was on the ground the contents of a trashcan around me. I realized I had walked into a strange alleyway and straight into a trashcan. Now I felt lost. And slightly scared. I stood up and came face to face with a menacing looking man. "I've been looking for you!" The man said. I looked at him, there was something oddly familiar about this man. Not good familiar. He made me feel angry, like I wanted to punch something. So I punched him. In the face. He stumbled back but didn't fall. When he steadied himself he looked straight back at me, grinning psychotically. "You want to have some fun? Let's have some fun!" He advanced on me and i braced for a hit. He pushed me to the ground and began to kick me. I grabbed his foot and he came tumbling down on top of me. We grappled and fought for at least 15 minutes before I felt him move away. He stood, staring at me, laughing like a maniac and drew a small, sharp knife. "Goodnight!"

Come Find Me - Second Book In The 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now