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We were all sitting in the waiting room when we heard a loud scream and a crash. We ran to Rikers room to see Rydel on the floor hyperventilating and crying. I bent down next to her "what's wrong?" I asked her, she just shook her head and pointed towards the bed. It was empty, the covers thrown on the floor and the window was open. Riker  was gone. "OK, OK, nobody panic" I said "let's just call the nurse," I nodded at Ross and he pressed the call button by the bed. Within seconds the nurse was here. She took one look at the room and beeped security. We were told to go back to the waiting room while they decided what to do. 15 minutes later, security came back. "Well?" I asked "well, we've called the police and asked them to keep and eye out and we checked the hospitals CCTV footage but...." He  stopped, clearly this wasn't good. "What? Tell us!" "We lost him after he climbed out the window. There are no cameras on that part of the building. I'm sorry." And with that he walked away, leaving with the nurse who had just arrived. She told us to go home and that the police would be in touch if there was any information. so we all trudged out to the car and made our way home. Without Riker.

Come Find Me - Second Book In The 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now