[1] Whoops, there it goes

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Hello my name is Lien and I am dead.

I lost my diary somewhere and yes I keep diaries, guys do that too right?....

I realised that when I came home, rummaging through my schoolbag for a blue notebook with black polka dots.

I absolutely can't let anyone read it. Especially him.

I am basically a screaming schoolgirl right now.

My younger sister walked in on me screaming and went silent because she was giving off a really creepy vibe. "Oh h-hi Lihua" I said, realizing what I was doing.

We were twins, she was born an hour early though. We both use to have black hair but she dyed hers orange. It actually meant to be brown but who knows what happened. She dyed it to become a ''new person'', I don't quite get why.

She forced me to dye my hair as well, it didn't turn out that bad in fact I quite like it. It's now a chestnut colour with a few odd black strands of hair for some reason.

"What are you doing? Your screaming may as well shatter the mirror!" She yelled. To be honest, I think I can hear a mirror cracking from her voice right now.

I might as well tell her what happened, she's pretty caring if she isn't mad.

"I uh, lost my diary and i'm freaking out" I said nervously. "I can't let anyone read it!!!! It's super private!" I raised my voice, anxiously fidgeting around.

She surprisingly calmed down, I guess she knows how important my diary is.

Lihua gave me a disappointing look and patted my back. "When's the last time you remember having it?"

"Last class which was P.E, I was writing down something uh-"

"You could've left it in the changing rooms"

"Probably" I mumbled, praying that nobody found it.

"It's fine, nobody would really bother taking a notepad or even giving it a glance after P.E" She reassured me. "Everyone would probably be exhausted"

I nodded and gave her a hug which she returned.

"Just get a goods nights rest and get your diary tomorrow" She smiled and left my room.

I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed, with all these thoughts flooding into me.

What if someone does find it? They'll definitely make fun of me, laugh at me and even hate me more then they already do! Or worse!

I can't let anyone read it, especially him. Yes him, the one I so love. I'm sounding sort of creepy now aren't I. I don't want to lie but im sort of a sucker for looks and people who I'll never have a chance with.

time skip haha im lazy

I gasp for air as I reached the males changing room. I frantically looked everywhere, looking for a blue notebook. I start to panic after 3 minutes had passed and I still couldn't find it!

"O-oh no, w-what am I going to do?" I managed to choke out. What do I do? Move schools again? Be made fun of the rest of my life? More negative thoughts flooded in once again.

The bell gave off it's unpleasant sound and I dragged myself towards my class, which was Science. Oh how I hated that subject, especially first thing in the morning.

After what it seemed like a decade, lunch finally came. I immediately ran towards my sister but once I saw her friend(s), I slowed down.

I really didn't want to bother her with my troubles and she hates when I say that but I really don't want to burden her.

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