All the friends

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There were four friends that were looking at a computer. An email popped up and Alexander looked at it and it said, "Come you are invited to a party" signed Unknown. Mia looked at Adam, Alexander, and Bella and asked "We aren't going are we?" asked Mia. "Of course we are" said Adam. Bella agreed with Adam by shaking her head. "But what if it is a murderer" says Mia nervously. Adam walked over to Mia and says "We won't know unless we try right? Anyways it's Valentine's Day so maybe it really is a party." "Well yeah I guess you are right, but still I don't want to take the chance," says Mia. Then all of a sudden Mia collapsed on the ground. Adam rushed over to her but Bella was faster. When Adam arrived near Mia she was choking Bella. Adam tried to get Mia off of Bella but she wasn't letting go. Bella tried everything then she got to thinking. Bella said to Adam and Alexander "Go to the other room so I can try something." Adam said "ok I will." Alexander shook his head no but Adam convinced Alexander to go to the other room. Bella then said to Mia "if you kill me you will scare off your crush. You don't want to do that now do you?" Mia looked at Bella and started crying. Then Mia said "please don't tell Adam. Please I'm begging you." Bella said "I don't have to he already knows." Bella started laughing after saying this. "What do you mean?" Then she turns around and sees a blushing Adam. "Why are you blushing?" Mia asks Adam. "Well I never thought that you would like me that's all. I'm not a very likeable person you see?" says Adam. "Well get used to it Adam" says Mia. Alexander walks into the room and is confused. "My god I'm confused. What is going on?" "Mia just confessed to Adam" said Bella. "What why did she do that she said she wasn't going to tell him for a while!!!!!" said Alexander. "Alexander please stop I wanted to tell him today just not when I got possessed" said Mia. Adam was so shocked that he couldn't help himself. He came closer to Mia and hugged her. Then something was wrong with her eyes. Adam looked at her and said "look at her eyes." Bella and Alexander looked at her eyes and saw they were black completely black. "Adam get away from her she is possessed by a demon" said Alexander. "No I will not. Do you know how long I've waited for this day to come?" said Adam. Then Mia said "you will all die tonight!!!!!" Adam backs away a little looks at Mia and gestures for Bella and Alexander to come to the next room. Adam has an idea to get her to snap out of it. Adam tells Bella and Alexander "If I can just get close to her and kiss her she might snap out of it." Bella says to him "that is the craziest idea ever!!" Alexander looks at Adam and shakes his head in agreement with Adam and says "if you can make her snap out of it then go ahead." Adam walks over to her grabs her shoulders and leans in closer to her and tries to kiss her but she grabs his arm and she puts a knife to his throat. Adam then whispers to her "you wouldn't dare kill me because I need to ask you a very important question." Mia then says "if they don't go and get the dragon egg at the top of the highest mountain then you die." Bella walks out of the room and sees that Mia was holding a knife to Adam's throat. Alexander walked into the room right behind Bella and saw that Adam had a knife held to his throat. Adam told them what Mia said to him and told them to go to Mount Everest to get the dragon egg. So Bella and Alexander start heading out to look for the dragon egg.

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