Chapter 20

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Last time kelly hasn't been getting enough sleep and its making her crazy, Liam told Michelle he loved her she responded with I love you too but she didn't really mean it. Bey and Shawn want to have another baby but bey can't have children because her tubes tied automatically and she doesn't really want to go through surgery. kelly told bey she would carry the baby for her but bey doesn't really feel comfortable with her best friend carrying her and her husbands baby it wouldn't feel right.

So bey and Michelle went over to check on kelly ever since she said she would carry beys baby, bey has been avoiding her it was something she really didn't want to put kelly through.

They opened the door to Kelly house the house was clean this time. "Kelly" Michelle hollered kelly walked down looking great her hair was comb she was wearing skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt it was blue. 'hey guys" she said even her attitude sounded better "hey we need to talk to you about something" bey said kelly sat in the arm chair smiling "About what" she asked "about you carrying beys baby" Michelle said kelly looked confused on how Michelle knew that "I told her" bey said "oh okay" kelly nodded "so about you carrying my baby" bey added "you're not doing it" Michelle interrupted "what why" kelly asked "hon I can't put you through that" bey said "well I believe everyone deserves to be a mother" kelly said. "And if you want to be a mother again you damn sure have that right" kelly said "but kelly I mean do you really want to go through with this" bey asked "of course I would" kelly said "no I mean you can't" bey stood her ground "why not" kelly asked "because I'm already so close to you I don't want you to give birth to my child too and I mean its a lot" bey whined "bey you keep saying that but I really have no problem with it" she said "okay fine if you really want to we have to wait a while" bey said "how long" "about four five" "years"Michelle interrupted "just let me and Shawn decide on what were gonna do before any big decisions are made" bey said "okay I understand" kelly nodded in agreement "so have you been sleeping" Michelle asked "yeah actually I have been sleeping better" kelly said smiling "thats good" Michelle said "yeah we were worried about you for a minute" "thats why I have sleeping pills now" kelly admitted "sleeping pills" Michelle asked "how many do you take" bey asked "about 3 or four a day only when I'm tired" kelly said "hon maybe taking pills isn't the best way for sleep" bey said "well they work" kelly said "and I've never felt better" she added "if you say so" Michelle muttered "what's that suppose to mean" kelly asked defensively "well I mean pills can be very additive" Michelle said "come on this is me you're talking to" kelly scoffed "it can happen to anyone" bey chimed in " just promise us you'll be careful" Michelle said "okay I will" kelly promised "hey I have a great idea" bey said 'how about I take junior for the night" bey added "what" kelly asked "yeah so you can get a night off and I can see what it's like to have a baby in the house again" bey said "you know what's thats not a bad idea" Michelle said "no" kelly said standing up from the couch "what do you mean no" bey asked "junior is my baby you can't have him" kelly said Michelle and bey both gave her a puzzled look. "honey its only for a night" bey said "I don't care" kelly gave bey a pissed off look "fine if you don't want to do it then we won't" bey said "good" kelly crossed her arms.

So later that day Liam met up with Michelle at her apartment since Ron and will were still away she still had a day. She opened the door for him "hey" he greeted her "hi thanks for coming over" she said and allowed him in "so I came over here for a reason I have something to tell you" he said they both sat on the couch "what is it" she asked "well I'm officially divorced" he said with a smile "yah" Michelle cheered and kissed him she kissed him back and well we all could guess what happens next.

While Shawn was at work, bey had went back over to Kelly's house she opened the door it was unlocked kelly always kept the door locked she was kinda crazy kind that though she opened the door and heard junior screaming his head off upstairs she quickly ran to him "what's the matter" she asked him as she knelt down to him then she saw what he was screaming at kelly was lying on the floor unconscious "oh shit" she muttered and ran to kelly "kelly" she asked she listened for a breath and ran downstairs to call 911

The ambulance finally gets there as does Michelle "what happen" Michelle ran up to bey she was holding junior "you know those pills kelly was taking" bey said Michelle nodded "oh god" she said.

They follow the ambulance to the hospital when they get there everyone was there jay, solo Angie mama Tina, marlon, Michelle and bey noticed them sitting in the waiting room "hey why y'all here" Michelle asked "we all got called" solo answered "is she okay" marlon asked "we don't know" bey said as she looked at junior in her arms "I can't believe this kelly wouldn't ever do something like this" mama Tina said "well, unfortunately she did" Michelle said as she sat next to Angie for the next few hours no one said a word they all just sat their silently

when a doctor came out "hello are you the girls that came in with miss rowland-Edmonds" he asked everyone stood up "yes yes we are" Michelle said "how is she" bey asked "well not to well she's in intensive care right now" he said "did kelly recently have a baby" he asked "yes" solo answered "and is she married" he asked "no" Marlon answered "well thats explains it" he said "explains what" bey asked "she has post partum depression it's what new mothers go through when usually single" he said "so you're saying she wanted to kill herself" Michelle asked "we don't know" he said "but will tell you once we know" he added "can we see her" mama Tina asked "only one of you" he confirmed "I think marlon should go in there"bey Said

"okay" he nodded "take care of her" bey said he walked in Kelly's room she wasn't hooked up to any machine she was just lying there half way awake half way asleep "hi" he said softly she turned and looked up at him "hey" she said softly as she smiled "how you feeling" he asked "different" she answered he looked at her puzzled "why do you say that" he asked "because I mean bey and Michelle warned me about the pills I don't know why I didn't listen to them all I remember is me taking some pills and then falling to the ground" she said "kelly you're gonna be okay" he said "no marlon not okay maybe junior would be better off living with his grandmother" she said "no kelly you can't do that" marlon said "well I've already made up my mind marlon I can't be around a kid until I can take care of myself" kelly said "maybe I can help you with that" he said she looked puzzled at him "what are you saying" marry me" he said "oh marlon I don't know what to say" she said as she sat up "well you could say yes" he smiled at her "then I don't know the last time I got married the man ended up dead" she said "trust me thats not gonna happen " he said "then yes I will marry you" kelly said they then kissed each other passionately "but I've made up my mind about junior" kelly said "okay" he nodded.

Bey Michelle and marlon took kelly home they entered the house "okay honey why don't you go lie down on the couch" Michelle said as her and bey helped kelly to the couch "guys I'm fine" kelly said as she sat on the couch "yea the doctor said with a little bit of counseling she'll be better in no time" Marlon said "yea and I'll be much better in time for our wedding" kelly hinted "whose wedding?" Michelle asked "well marlon asked me to marry him and I said yes" kelly said bey and Michelle gasped "oh thats great" bey and Michelle both said "yea I think so" marlon said they all smiled at each other "and I also have something to tell you guys" kelly said bey and Michelle looked at her seriously "I have decided to um have junior stay with my mother for a while" she said "what why" Michelle asked "because I have to take care of myself" kelly answered Michelle looked down then back up at kelly "is it what you really want to do" bey asked kelly nodded "okay we respect you're decision then" Michelle said "thank you" kelly said.

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