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OMFG IM SO DONE WITH EVERYTHING I'm just pissed at the world right now so I'm posting another chapter, also the last one was short, but so is this one... fuck it I'm posting anyways. PS title is a couple of the lyrics form the Yuri!!! On Ice opening, AKA the meaning of life. ⛸❄️ I need help.

The next day, Jaehee made her way over to the small pond in the park where the RFA decided to meet. She was 15 minutes late, but she didn't mind. It wasn't like she even could skate anyways. She pushed her glasses up farther on her nose and lifted her black bag with her skates in it (well, not really hers as she had to borrow them from Anna) higher on her shoulder. She dropped it on a nearby bench and soon had arms wrap around her neck. Jaehee thought quickly and threw the person over her shoulder, realizing it was MC. Jaehee gasped. "MC, oh my god, are you okay?! I'm so so so so so so sorry! I didn't know who you were!" She helped MC up, and was surprised that she burst out laughing. "Are you hurt?" Jaehee asked the laughing MC. "No! The tiny little assistant threw me over her shoulder! It would have been so much funnier if you were in a business suit!" Yoosung and Seven skated over hand in hand, dressed up in Yuri!!! On Ice t-shirts. Jaehee shook her head. "Why do you have shirts that have Victor and Yuri on them?" "Why do you know who they are?" Seven asked, smirking. Jaehee turned red. "I-I... um..." "Assistant Kang! There you are!" Jumin said, shoving over Zen on his way across the ice. Zen screamed as he landed face first in the ice. Jumin, ignoring Zen, walked over to Jaehee and smiled. "Are you ready?" "I don't even know how to put on the skates themselves..." Jaehee said, blushing. 'Embarrassing.'Jumin chuckled. "I'll help." All Jaehee could do was nod. She sat down on the bench and took out the skates. They were white and had blue swirls on the side, also coming with covers for the blades. Jumin helped her get them on and stand up. Each step she took was like a baby's first step, wobbly and not straight. She didn't even notice how tightly she was holding Jumin's hand.

Everyone else was already on the ice by the time Jaehee took her first step on it. She screamed and almost lost her earmuffs. Jumin chuckled again. "You look like a strange duckling with a weird sliding disorder." "Damnit, Mr. Han, I'm gliding!" Jaehee said stubbornly. Jumin chuckled again. "Sure you are." Jaehee had multiple times where she had almost fallen, but Jumin was always able to steady her in time. They had almost circled the outer rim of the small pond 3 times by then, and could still faintly hear Yoosung and Seven singing. "THERE'LL BE NO MORE DARKNESS WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE WHERE YOUR DESTINY LIES DANCING ON BLADES YOU SET MY HEART ON FIRE DON'T STOP US NOW THE MOMENT OF TRUTH WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY!" Well... not so much as singing as it was screaming. Jumin started looking out at the colourful houses around them as snow began to fall. Jaehee tried to keep up with him, but was having a hard time. "Mr. Han, I-I can't keep up –" the ice suddenly smashed and Jaehee let out a scream, causing Jumin to turn and grab her before she hit the freezing water. Her breaths were sharp and scared and her heart was beating loudly as she pushed herself up against her boss's chest. Jumin kept his arms tightly around her and felt her shaking. Jumin suddenly skated ahead of her near the broken ice and held out his hand. "Trust me." Jumin said. Jaehee hesitantly took a hold of his hand a slid over to where he was. They continued to do that until they were from from the broken ice, right next to the singing Yoosung and Seven. "YES WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY!"  "You guys, be careful there's –" Jumin was unable to finish his sentence as Jaehee's skate got caught in a groove inside the ice, causing her to fall. Jumin himself was off balance and Jaehee's weight combined with his caused them both to go down. Jaehee smacked her back off the ice and Jumin landed on top of her, their lips landing together.

If you couldn't tell, I'm a Yuri!!! On Ice fan and just wanted to add that in. Thank you guys for all the views, it really makes my day. Have a nice night or day or whatever time it is where you are. ~TheWeeWeeaboo

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