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So, first of all, if you search up ches's restaurant it only shows a really small one here in St, John's, but there's actually a bigger one and that's the one Jaehee and Jumin are going. (That's a picture of St. John's, in case you don't know.) Second, I'm really stressed lately but I'm trying to do a steady update every day, but it's really hard, so some of these (or all of these) chapters may suck. If they suck, just know that's a chapter I wrote while I was having a bad day. This chapters also very rushed because my friend is currently doing my makeup and I'm in a crowded dressing room with people everywhere watching my friend attempt to do my makeup the way I do it, even though she got the fucking mascara in my eye twice now. (If you're reading this Hazel, you are not allowed to do my makeup again. Ever. Or help with my costume, because the straps connected to the "3DMG gear" are too fucking tight. I have fat legs let me remind you, just because I'm cosplaying doesn't make me skinnier. And don't ask if you can help me and say you didn't read this, because I know you did since you tell me to update more often every single day. Get a fucking account already. PS, before you ask, no you can not have a piece of gum.) I hope you guys enjoyed this! (but not you Hazel, I love you but if you stick the mascara in my eye one more time I'm taking your cosplay glasses and shoving them up your ass. :3)

"Where will we be going?" Jaehee asked with a smile. "Let's go. I have a private driver here from last time I came." Jumin said, ignoring Jaehee's question and grabbing his coat. Jaehee frowned. "Sir, where are we going?" She asked again. Jumin smiled. "You'll see." He said, walking over to Jaehee and ruffling her hair gently before heading out the door. Jumin had constantly been ruffling her hair for a few days, and Jaehee was starting to wonder if he was doing it because it was greasy. She hadn't taken a shower since the day before yesterday and decided to shower that night. Jaehee grabbed her coat and her phone with her earbuds. She headed out the door into the hall expecting to find Jumin... but he wasn't there. She bit her lip and walked downstairs, thinking he was in the lobby, but he wasn't. "Mr. Han?" She said out loud, hoping maybe he would show himself. But he wasn't there. She walked outside. "Mr. Han?" She asked. She didn't know why, but she was scared to not be able to find him. 'Maybe I'm just nervous because without him I'll get lost?' She thought. Jaehee suddenly got hit really hard in the back of the head. She gasped and turned. Jumin was stood by the doorway with a satisfied look on his face, his black gloves covered in the remains of a once made snowball. Jaehee reached to the back of her head only to find snow. "Oh, that's it." She said. She scooped up some snow herself and threw it at him, hitting Jumin right in the face. He wiped the snow from his eyes and the just look on his face showed Jaehee that he was not happy. Jaehee gasped, covering her mouth in her hands. "Mr. Han, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you in the face!" She said, her face turning red of embarrassment.

Jumin walked over to her, his eyes dark. 'Okay, he looks really mad, and really scary. What is he going to do?!' Jaehee thought. She really didn't want to be yelled at by her boss. He towered over her and Jaehee covered her face in her hands. "I'm sorry!" Jaehee managed to squeak out. She suddenly felt two hands on her shoulders, and then she was falling. She reached back to make sure she wouldn't get hurt as she was falling, but instead of the ground she fell into a large snow bank. She gasped as she got covered in snow, her vision blurring as she sunk into the fluffy white substance. Jumin laughed. Not a chuckle, Jumin Han laughed. 'Is he... laughing?! Is Mr. Han actually laughing?!' Jaehee crawled out of the snow bank, her legs freezing. "Mr. Han! I'm wearing a dress and tights! Why the hell would you push me into the snow!" Jaehee said, her cheeks and nose tinted pink from the cold and her clothes covered in fluffy snow. Jumin smiled. "Why the hell wouldn't I push you into the snow?" Jaehee groaned and put her head in her cold hands. Unlike Jumin, Jaehee didn't have gloves on. She suddenly felt warm arms around her. She looked up to find that Jumin had pulled her into a warm hug. He chuckled. "I couldn't resist. You looked like a scared bunny." Jumin said, holding Jaehee tighter. Jaehee refused to hug him back. "This bunny is freezing and starving." Jaehee said. Jumin chuckled. "Okay then. Let's get going to the restaurant."


"What's that?" Jaehee asked, pointing to one of the many colourful houses as they whizzed by. The seatbelt could barely contain Jaehee as she looked at everything around her. Jumin smirked. "It's a Jellybean house." "So... it's made out of melted Jellybeans? Is that how they paint them? Melted candy?" Jaehee said, turning to Jumin who had his head in his hands. Jumin groaned. "Are you four?" He asked her. Jaehee giggled. "Hey, did you know that here we're considered younger then we are back home?" Jaehee said. Jumin nodded. "Which means you're only my age!" Jaehee said with a smile. Jumin shook his head. "No, because now you are only 25." Jaehee bit her lip. "So... I'll go back to Korea and we'll be the same age?" Jumin groaned. "Noooooo... Assistant Kang that's not how it wooooorrrkkss..." he groaned. Jaehee giggled again and looked out the window. "What's 'Tim Horton's?'" Jaehee said as they passed a small building. "A coffee and donut shop." Jumin answered. Jaehee looked out the window for a few more minutes. "Oh, they have Swiss Chalet here?!" Jaehee exclaimed. "Assistant Kang, we're almost there." Jumin said. It was his most polite way to tell her to stop talking. Jaehee nodded and sat properly in her seat. "I'm sorry, Mr. Han. I've never been here before and I'm just overly interested." Jumin smiled lightly. "It's okay, we're here now. I'll take you on a walk later so you can comment on everything." Jaehee blushed. "I... uh, yeah.. that sounds nice..." Jumin chuckled and ruffled her hair again. "God, you can be so adorable..." Jaehee blushed even deeper, so did Jumin. "Uh, we're here." Jumin said, getting out of the car and opening the door for Jaehee. Jaehee smiled lightly, still blushing. "Thank you sir." A car came whizzing by, not even paying attention to the fact that the two were on the road. Jumin quickly pulled Jaehee back, out of harms way. The car kept going and even went through a red light. "Asshole." Jumin muttered. He turned to Jaehee. "Are you okay?!" He asked her. She nodded. "Thank you... I didn't even see him coming!" Jaehee said, her voice slightly shaky. Jumin sighed. "Just... stay safe." 'Don't worry... I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again... even if that person is me.' He thought to himself. Jaehee nodded once again. "I'm always careful, Mr. Han." She said. Jumin shook his head. "Sometimes not careful enough... come on. Let's go." The two walked up to the door of the restaurant. "Ches's?" Jaehee asked, looking at the sign on the restaurant. Jumin nodded. "They serve Fish and Chips." (Chips as in fries, fyi) Jaehee smiled and nodded. Jumin opened the door for Jaehee, letting her in before him.

"Oh! Um, thank you." Jaehee stuttered, quickly walking into the restaurant. The two made their orders, well, technically only Jumin's order since Jaehee just bought whatever he did. 2 pieces of fish, a small plate of fries, and a glass of water each. They brought their food to a small table near a window and started to eat. Jaehee was surprised that Jumin ate his fries without a fork. Jumin noticed her staring and gave her a strange look. "What?" He asked. "Is there something on my face?" Jaehee shook her head. "No... I just.... you're not someone I would think would eat their food with their hands." Jumin picked up another fry and smirked. "Well, I didn't think you would be someone who would actually think a house was painted with the use of melted Jellybeans." Jaehee blushed, embarrassed. "H-Hey!" She said angrily, crossing her arms. Jumin got a sudden phone call. "Please excuse me, this may be important." Jumin said, standing. Jaehee nodded. Jumin left and went outside, making sure he could still see Jaehee through the window. "Hello?" "Hey, Ju!" Hannah's flirty voice could be heard saying on the other line. Jumin sighed. "What is it Hannah?" "Let me in." 'What the hell does she mean, 'let me in?'' "Let you in? Where are you?" "Your place! I came to visit you!" Hannah said cheerily. Jumin shook his head. "Hannah... I'm in St. John's." "Wha-?! Why Ju?!" Hannah said sadly. Jumin sighed. "I told you I was going on a business trip. I'm not home, and I can't talk right now." "Well, we're talking now, so why don't we just have a nice conversation on the phone?" Hannah said. Jumin once again sighed, looking up as Jaehee ate her fries and watched cars go by. "I'm out to lunch with Assistant Kang right now." "Ugh, that bitch!" Hannah squealed. "You and her will regret this!" Hannah hung up, not even giving Jumin a chance to say anything else. He shrugged and went back inside.

{At Jumin's place, in Korea...}

Hannah angrily hung up on Jumin. 'That stupid bitch! I'll make her pay!' Hannah dialled a number on her way out of the building where Jumin lived. "Hey, its me Hannah. Long time no see. Do you still live in St. John's?" Hannah smiled evilly. "Good. Listen, Garroth, I need a favour..."

Cliffhanger BOI! In case you didn't read it, Garroth was the boy who raped Jaehee in my fanfiction. Now, I have 15 minutes to practice, fix my makeup and costume, and get on stage. Sorry for spelling errors, this was rushed let me remind you. I'll try to reply to comments as quickly as I can. :3 Thanks for reading! ~TheWeeWeeaboo

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