Chapter 4. Monday...

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I just needed to see him again...


I was sweating, breathing heavily, and panting almost ended up fainted but I keep going, I Just Needed To See Him Again, I closed my eyes and I somehow had to slow down to keep my heart with me, so I stopped, I had an image and felt myself in a prison, no somewhere worse. In my image I had, there was no light, but I felt a weird sensation, something's telling me to give up, but why? I need to save Dark! I was unable to open my eyes but did see a faint structure in the distance, two men...two men, who seem to have the same body structure but then suddenly they had a bright glow, one of the glow had lit the whole room up while the other one looked weak, was this showing me a path or something? whatever it was my eyes couldn't take the bright light any longer...

So then I woke up...


I woke up to the sunlight beaming through my curtains and almost blinding me, I blinked a few times and realized what just happened. That was all a dream... I stood up from my bed and looked at the time 7:00, First day of 7th grade. I sighed knowing that this was all just a dream but still, I really thought...just.nevermind...I changed to the outfit I had planned out the night before and walked to the washroom, after that I trotted downstairs to find my mom making pancakes and my little sibling sitting in the chair waiting, I sighed as I toke my seat and mom handed us pancakes, I had eaten 2 pancakes and I was ready to go, I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to mum and b/s/n, (Brother/Sister's Name, if you don't have on like meh then makeup one) She/he goes to a different school than me but I'm fine with walking alone, This feels so cliche I thought as I looked at the beautiful trees and breathed in the fresh fall air. I noticed I felt a pain in my right leg, so I pulled up my pants and saw I had a dark spot on my knee just where I had bled in my dream! I decided to take off my sweater and saw I had a darker spot on my right shoulder, I put my sweater back on and decided to tell no one about this even if they find out I'll do something about it I thought as I reached my destination 



Yes, that is the end! (Plz don't hate meh!) this was supposed to be a short book anyway because of all of this was a real dream I had in real life (Weird huh?) But don't worry there will be an alt ending of what would happen if you didn't wake up! which will be longer than this chapter and have some secrets involved anyways I'll post that chapter tmr so stay tuned for that!


Light The Way (A DarkiPlier X Child Reader Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now