Big Brother! Germany x Little Sister! Reader: Loose tooth

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  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

      "Here you-a go bambina*." Feliciano said, setting a plate of pasta in front of me. He volunteered to watch me while my big brothers, Gilbert and Ludwig or as I like to call them Gilly and Luddy, train. "Danke** Feli!" I exclaimed, grabbing my fork and scooping some pasta into my mouth. Whilst chewing I bit something hard, taking whatever I bit out of my mouth I noticed it was my tooth. It has been wiggly for the past two weeks and I haven't told my brothers. "Aaaaahhh!" I let out a scream, then jumped out of my chair and ran outside to my brothers. "Bambina what's-a wrong?! Come back!" Feli shouted after me.

     I ran out the door, still screaming, and to my older brother, Ludwig. Who had stopped running and worriedly jogged over to me. "(Y/n) vhat's vrong?!" He worriedly exclaimed. "M-my tooth fell out!" I said, while wailing and holding up my tooth. "Y-you're screaming about that?" Ludwig asked, and then started laughing. All of my fear and sadness turned to anger as I puffed out my cheeks. "That isn't funny! This is a very serious matter!" I shouted. This is the behavior I would expect from Gilbert not Ludwig. Once Ludwig's laughter died down he patted my head. "Don't vorry that's supposed to happen. Right nov the teeth that jou have are jour baby teeth. Und they vill all eventually fall out und be replaced by jour permanent adult teeth." Ludwig said. "Oh then vhat do I do vith my tooth?" I asked. "Vell-" "You put it under your pillow tonight and the tooth fairy vill come and exchange you tooth for a quarter." Gilbert said interrupting Ludwig. I let out a gasp and ran back into the house to put my tooth under my pillow.

{Extended ending}

     "Gilbert vhy did jou interrupt me earlier?" I asked, watching Feliciano teach (Y/n) how to draw a black eagle. "Because I didn't vant you to tell her something like: you put it under your pillow and when your sleeping we'll go in and take your tooth and replace it with a quarter." Gilbert said, then took a sip of his beer. "I vouldn't have told her that. I vould have told her the same thing jou told her." I said.


*Bambina: little girl (Italian)

**Danke: thank you (German)

     Did you like it?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Is it cute?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Are you going to tell me whether you liked it or not?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Okay I is done now. I is eating Ramen Noodles are you jealous? Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Lovino: I-a thought you said you were-a done. Me: Shush! Anywho, bye bye! -Rosa (Amestris)

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