Younger Siblings France ending

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  Francis' P.O.V

     'Oh crap! Zhis is all my fault! If I 'adn't been so loud in zhe first place she wouldn't 'ave run off like zhat! I 'ave to fix zhis!' I thought, running off in the direction that (Y/n) had run in. Antonio and Gilbert will most likely watch Michell and Matthew while I'm gone anyway. 'C'mon Ma belle étoile* where are you?' I thought, coming up to a people crossing, which was not the only one. You could go at least three different ways from where I was standing.  I looked in all directions, but no (Y/n) was to be seen. How could she possibly move that fast with a little girl in her arms and a little boy holding her hand? Sadly I plodded back to the park, when Gilbert and Antonio asked if I had caught her I sadly shook my head. I said goodbye and then left with Matthew and Michell.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~later that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*text messages*

Me: (Y/n), ma belle étoile, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so loud. I'm sorry that we didn't stop when you said no the first time. 8:00 pm

Me: (Y/n)? 8:30 pm

Me: (Y/n) please reply. I'm really sorry. 9:00 pm

Me: Please don't ignore me. 9:30 pm

Me: Fine. Bonne nuit mon amour**.  10:00 pm

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I did one last one over of how I looked before I knocked on the (L/n)'s door. After last night I thought it would be best if I came over and told (Y/n) in person. That's probably what she wants anyway. "Hello?" Someone asked opening the door. I looked in the doorway to not see anyone in (Y/n)'s every day family (like family that normally lives in the house), in the door way was Raphaela. I didn't know she was coming home. "Oh 'ello Raphaela. I see zhat you are still as beautiful as when you left. So 'ave you and your boyfriend done it yet?" I asked. Raphaela just rolled her eyes and smacked me upside the head. "Ow zhat hurt. On another topic where is mon amour?" I asked. "Oh (Y/n)? Yeah she's up in her room." Raphaela said letting me in. "Oh and be careful she's been grumpy since last night." Raphaela called after me, which I replied with a thanks as I walked up the stair to (Y/n)'s room.

    "(Y/n), ma belle étoile, I know you're in zhere, please open zhe door." I said, lightly knocking on the door to (Y/n)'s room. Shortly after the door opened to reveal an messy (Y/n). She was sporting a bed head and pajamas, even though it's now 9 am, a runny nose, and red eyes. "What do you want Francis?" (Y/n) asked, not moving out of the doorway and blowing her nose into a tissue. "(Y/n) you've been crying. Why?" I asked. "Because I feel bad about yesterday." She said. "Oh ma belle étoile you don't 'ave to be upset about zhat, it was all our fault. Can you forgive us? Can you forgive me?" I asked, wiping the tears that were left on her face. A small smile found it's way onto (Y/n)'s face. "Of course."

    " 'ey (Y/n) can I tell you somezhing important?" I asked. Now we were sitting on (Y/n)'s bed after cleaning up the disaster she made of her room. "Hm? Yeah of course Francis, you can tell me anything." (Y/n) said, with a smile. "Well, I 'ave fallen in love with you. Zhat's why I wanted zo know so badly yesterday. " I said, with a blush. (Y/n) let out a giggle and kissed my cheek. "Good because, Je vous aime trop***." (Y/n) said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 years later, 1 year married~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "No Francis! You cannot kiss me!" (Y/n) said, pushing my face away with her hand. Causing me to kiss her hand. "Why not mon amour?" I asked, I could feel myself getting irritated, (Y/n) hasn't let me kiss her for the past two days. "Because I've been having a lot of morning sickness lately, and I don't want to get you sick too." (Y/n) said, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest. 'Morning sickness?' The reality of what is happening to mon amour came and hit me like a ton of bricks, but soft warm bricks. "Mon amour, when was zhe last time you 'ad your period?" I asked. (Y/n) put one finger onto her lips as she started thinking with a little hmm. "You know now that I think of it, my period is running a bit late."  (Y/n) said, tapping her finger on her lips. "I'll be back in an half hour." I said, then left the house to get something from the store.

     "Francis, I can't believe we're pregnant. Or more like I'm pregnant you're just the father." (Y/n) said as we stared down at the little pink plus sign on the pregnancy test. I turned and picked up (Y/n) spinning her around in circles.  "Oh you're pregnant! I can't believe zhis! Oh we 'ave to tell Matthew and Michell, and we 'ave to go rub in zhe fact you're pregnant to Arthur, who 'as yet to get a wife. We also 'ave to tell you're siblings and parents, and zhen we need to tell Toni and Gilbert!" I exclaimed, setting (Y/n) down and pecking her lips. "How about we wait on telling some of the other for later in the pregnancy okay? But we can either tell Matthew and Michell or we can tell Toni and Gil." (Y/n) said. "I zhink we should tell Toni and Gilbert first." I said with a nod.  "Then go and call them." (Y/n) said, pushing me out of the room. I just let out a laugh and went to go call my best friends.


*Ma belle étoile: My beautiful star (French)

**Bonne nuit mon amour: Good night my love (French)

***Je vous aime trop: I love you too (French)

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