No Supernatural Plan Here

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A/N: Thank you guys for how many readers I have on this story; I honestly didn't think this story would go this far I just want to say thank you EVERYONE! Enough of my rambling, just remember Jeff Davis (the genius) owns Teen Wolf.


Isaac's POV (!)

Chris, Ethan, and I didn't have any luck trying to find the Alpha Pack so we headed back to the Loft to see if anyone else in the Pack had better luck than us with what to do about the Alpha Pack.

"How do you think the Alpha Pack is covering up their scent, Chris?" I asked curious if we could learn how to do that; it could be very helpful in the long run.

"I'm not quite sure really, it's been mentioned in the Bestiary here and there but nothing concrete. I do have a theory though that it could have to do with power, I mean they are a Pack full of Alphas." Chris explained leading the way.

"I thought there could only be like one Alpha though in Pack?" Ethan included.

"I honestly don't know, even if the human side is OK with another alpha the animal side should have protested to another alpha," Chris answered. 

The rest of the walk was silence, we were all thinking about the conversation that just took place. According to what Chris just said the Alpha Pack shouldn't even be here I mentally shouted. Then that brought me back to another point, Stiles. I mean he is annoying, and sarcastic. However he's probably the smartest of the pack (besides Lydia). I'm kinda worried that the Alpha Pack is after him. He is still recovering from being possessed be the Nostigune.

I was lost in thought that I didn't even realize the flashing red and blue lights or the black body bag with Gwen's body. I scanned the room looking for someone in the pack; Derek, Scott, and Stiles were all talking to the Sheriff I saw Chris walk up to them to join the conversation. I didn't see the girls anywhere so they're either in another room or they went home. Ethan and I just stood there in the middle of all the chaos.

"Do you know what they're talking about?" I wanted to know.

"Scott and Stiles are telling the Sheriff what happened," Ethan answered. I could pick up bits and pieces of what the conversation is saying, Ethan just has better hearing than me.

"The Sheriff is talking to Parish, but giving him the altered version you could say." Ethan added on.

"Should we join them," I questioned.

"Sure," Ethan said then we headed off in their direction. I saw Lydia and Kira come out of the bathroom and were walking toward the rest of the Pack as well.

Lydia's POV

Kira and I just exited the bathroom; sometimes a girl just has to freshen up after seeing a dead body. I saw the Sheriff talking to Parrish about what happened to Gwen, I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kira talked to me.

"You OK Lyds," Kira asked me with a worried expression all over her face. 

"Yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought I guess," I said and Kira nodded in response.

We walked over to the rest of the pack; Scott, Derek, Peter, Chris, Isaac, Ethan, and Stiles. When I came in earshot of their conversation I could hear Stiles; his voice had so much anxiety and fear. 

"What are we going to do about the Alpha Pack, they can't keep killing innocent people." Stiles pleaded.

"We need to stop them some way, Chris do you have any ideas?" Derek suggested.

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