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When we arrived at the mall, we went straight to our favorite stores. We ran into our best friends Tyler and Andrew. We shopped and then decided to hang out after.

We went back to my house and watched a movie.

(Just pretend Tyler and Sophie like each other, same with Lexi and Andrew. But only Lexi and Sophie know that they like the boys.)

I was sitting on the couch with Tyler.

Lexi was somehow curled up beside Andrew.

"Aww look at them." I laughed.

"Too cute hahaha" Tyler said.

We both laughed and looked into each other's eyes.

I blushed and looked down smiling.


Somehow by the end of the movie, me and Tyler looked like Lexi and Andrew.

It was one weird night.

(P.s, you guys should read 'Not like the movies' by @breakaway96. It's a Justin Bieber fan fiction. I'm obsessed with it.)

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