Chapter 18

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After seeing all the geysers, we ever go to see Old Faithful, we went to the area, where the bears lived at so, Shawn could video tape them for his show, and also I really wanted a picture, Shawn spotted the bears from a distance, and he told us to be quiet, but Auggie kept on whining, so Topanga had to quiet him down

The bears would amazing, as they walked around, I really wanted a photo, of the bears family though, because there was a mother bear, father bear, and two little Cubs that would in a group, Shawn must of sense that I wanted a picture because, he snapped a photo, Shawn had one of these really old cameras

When the photo came out, and the photo came of black, and you had to wait for the photo to show up, Shawn handled me the photo, and I kept shaking the photo until it finally came up, it was a great picture, I spotted a a gift shop that to far away

I asked him if me and Lucas could go, Shawn: Sure, but Lucas keep an eye on her, she has a wild side, Lucas: Yes Sir, and me and Lucas would holding hands as we ran towards the gift shop, they had so many different things, and I brought along the $20 bill Lucas gave me, so if I wanted to buy something

They had books, mugs, rugs, stuff animal, and even an art case, I dragged Lucas towards the art case, there would 45 different colored pencils in, a sketching pad, and a book about bears, I really wanted it, but it cost $35, and I only had $20 on me, Lucas: I saw had badly Maya wanted the art case, Maya is onlys drawing

In her room, she has tons of drawings she made on her room, she is really good at drawing, so I wanted her to get new color pencils because she was running out, I had $45, on me, so I gave Maya the $15, she needed, she looked really excited but guiltily at the same time, Lucas you all ready gave me $20

Now your giving me $15, I don't want to be taking your money, Lucas: I know how much you like to draw, I want you to be happy, so don't feel guilty about taking the money, I pat her on the shoulder, she then gave me a hug, then when she went to pay for her art case

I went to look for something for me, I really liked the bear rug, they had, and it was only $10, so then I had $20 left, and I saw two teddy bears, one was a boy and the other was a girl, and what I felt what was funny, was that the boy bear had a necklace, that said my name is Lucas, and the girl bear had Maya painted on it's necklace

It was exactly $20, so I grabbed the bears, and the rug, and headed over to the counter, Maya was all ready checked out, and she was waiting over by the counter for me, I had them wrap up the both bears, and Maya don't see them, Valentines Day was coming up, so I was going to give her this gift

So, you got a rug, and what's in the gift box, Lucas: Can't tell you, it's a surprise, she just kept trying to grab and claw at the box, but I had to keep pushing her away and putting the box above my head, finally we reached where everybody else was, Shawn said he was done filming, so we would heading home

Sorry these chapters haven't been having any drama, I'm ending the book soon, so I want to end it on a good note, I like writing this story, but I'm really excited for writing my story, so I want to get started on that story very soon, so I'm trying to wrap this story, but I really hope that you guys enjoyed this story so far

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