Ch. 9

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Two Months Later

Jessi was feeling sick as she got ready for work.  Their schedules doubled when their comeback album was ready to be produced.  Jessi spent more time with JYP Nim than she did with her husband over the course of two months.  Mark was everywhere with Jackson and Jin Young while Jessi recorded her solo album, and added her touches to Got7's repackaged album for MAD Winter Edition.  Her head was killing her as she sat down in the studio with JYP and listened to her recordings.  She felt sick and jumped up rushing into the bathroom across from the studio.  She tossed everything she had eaten that morning and the night before.  Having no energy to stand, Jessi settled on the tiled floor in front of the toilet resting her head against the cool rim.  Another wave hit her hard as JYP's secretary walked in, "Jessi, are you alright?"  Jessi moaned and settled down as the door opened gently.  "Oh sweetie, are you ok?"  Jessi shook her head and whispered, "I am sick to my stomach bad."  She turned and vomited again.  The woman sighed and said, "Let me tell JYP Nim and then get you to the doctor."  Jessi nodded and rested her head against the rim once more.  

JYP walked into the women's bathroom and handed her a wet towel as well as a bottle of water.  She rinsed her mouth out and spit it into the toilet before flushing.  He leaned down and lifted her up carrying her out to the waiting car.  "I'll call Mark."  She shook her head and whispered, "He has a busy schedule, oppa nim.  Let him be, Unni has me."  He nodded and pressed a kiss to her head before settling her inside the car.  "Call me later, Su Ah and let me know."  The woman nodded and snapped Jessi's seat belt in place before driving to the closest hospital.  Jessi rushed into the bathroom at the hospital and threw up again while Su Ah signed her in.  Minutes later, a nurse walked in with a chair, a pail, and a wet cloth.  She was taken to the back into a private room where a doctor waited.  She examined her and asked her questions.  Jessi looked at the woman and admitted, "I had unprotected sex with my husband two months ago."  The woman nodded and asked, "When was your last period?"  Jessi pulled her calendar out of her bag and gasped.  "Two weeks before we had unprotected sex."  She had marked the night with Mark with a heart sticker as a marker for any future issues.  "Let's do a pregnancy test on you and see what happens."  Jessi nodded and watched as blood was drawn as was a urine sample.

She was given something for nausea and left to rest while they waited for her blood work to come back.  Her doctor returned a half an hour later and smiled, "You are definitely pregnant.  Let's get a sonogram done and get an idea of progression."  Jessi nodded and watched as a radiology tech came in with the machine and set it up for the doctor.  They worked on her stomach.  "Wow, here we are."  The woman smiled at Jessi, "It looks like you are actually three months pregnant instead of two months.  We have a healthy heartbeat."  Jessi thought back to three months ago and gasped, "The condom broke that one night.  But I had a period a week after."  The doctor chuckled, "Not uncommon for a first pregnancy.  Everything is looking normal and healthy.  You are vitamin deficient so we are going to start you on prenatal vitamins and get you an OB GYN.  You will be experiencing morning sickness for a little while but everything is looking really good."  Jessi nodded and watched as the doctor printed out her sonogram pictures for her.  "In a few months we can tell what you are having."  Jessi nodded and said, "Thank you."

Su Ah smiled and hugged her.  "You are going to be a great mom, Jessi."  Jessi nodded and said, "I hope so.  I hope Mark is ready for this."  Su Ah chuckled and said, "I hope you have a girl.  He needs a daughter to be all protective of."  Jessi chuckled and said, "I want a son.  A cute little boy with his daddy's looks and my temper."  Su Ah laughed and nodded, "That would keep him busy."  They were discharged after she was prescribed the vitamins and an appointment with an OB GYN was made.  They drove back to the company and headed up to JYP's office since he was meeting with YG.  She knocked on the door and came in at his call smiling faintly.  He cocked his head, "How are you feeling?"  She handed him the picture and said, "It's all Mark's fault.  I take no responsibility since the mechanics are his doing."  JYP laughed hearing that.  He sighed and looked at her, "After promotions you are on downtime.  Your husband will be busy for a little longer since he needs the extra pay."  She nodded and said, "Just keep him in country until I deliver."  JYP nodded and chuckled.  He looked at YG and said, "Mark got her pregnant."  Yang chuckled and said, "It was going to happen sooner or later.  She's too beautiful to leave alone."  Jessi blushed and settled down in the chair across from Yang and asked her boss, "So do we announce it to the fans that I'm pregnant?"  JYP nodded and said, "At the coming fan signing.  Now, your husband and group are downstairs in the practice room.  Go down there and lower the boom on Mark's head for getting you in trouble.  Give him the waterworks and everything.  I will arrange a party for this evening."  She nodded and kissed his cheek.  "Thanks, boss.  You are the best."  He chuckled and watched her leave the room.

The boys were clowning around when she walked in pale, sickly, and sullen.  She walked over to JB and leaned against his chest not looking at Mark.  JB wrapped his arms around her and asked, "What's the matter, little sister?"  Jessi sobbed once as she burrowed into JB's chest.  Mark came over and asked, "Baby, what's wrong?"  She was crying heavily now.  Mark caressed her hair and she slapped his hand away angrily.  He blinked and asked, "Jessi, what is the matter, baby?"  She looked at him and said, "It's all your fault."  JYP walked into the room grimly and snapped, "Didn't I tell you to head home and rest?  You being on your feet in your condition is no good.  Damn it, Jessi."  She hiccuped a few times and started bawling on JB's shoulder against.  "Don't yell at me.  I can't take it."  The boys were shocked.  No one has ever seen Jessi like this before.  Mark looked at his boss, "What condition?  What's wrong with my wife?"  JYP glared at Mark and said, "Nothing, she's just three months pregnant!"  Mark's legs gave way and he collapsed to the floor and looked up at her in shocked silence.  JB did the math in his head and said, "How three months when it's been two months since you to did it unprotected?"  She whispered in his ear, "The condom broke three months ago."  JB nodded and said, "Yup, that would do it.  Mark's super soldiers entrenched and bred reinforcements."  She laughed and pulled out the sonogram picture from her hoodie and showed everyone, "Mark junior."  Young Jae hugged her close and pressed a kiss to her head, "Congratulations, noona."

Mark looked up at her and asked, "Why were you bawling your eyes out a moment ago?"  She shrugged and said, "Hormones?"  Everyone laughed in relief.  JYP chuckled and helped Mark stand.  "She got you good."  Mark nodded and hugged his wife tightly for a moment and whispered, "I can't even spank you for scaring me like that, baby."  She laughed and whispered, "Daddy has to call our families and make the announcement."  He nodded and kissed her head refusing to let her go.

At the Confession Song fan signing, Jessi raised her hand to the fans and said, "I have a confession to make to everyone."  The fans were listening avidly as she said, "Mark has filled my days and nights with beautiful memories.  He has filled my heart with such love and joy that it boiled over and created a precious soul.  We are three months pregnant."  Fans screamed in excitement at her news.

Breaking News:  Got7's couple Mark and Jessi are expecting their first child.  The idol girl came forward during a fan signing for their current promotion and announcement that she was three months pregnant.  Promotions for their repackaged album MAD The Winter Edition will be the last promotion before Jessi goes out on maternity leave to deliver their first child.  Congratulations Jessi and Mark.

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