Ch. 12

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Nicky was crying.  Jessi climbed carefully out of bed and moved to the kitchen.  She made a bottle and walked into the nursery.  Mark came out of the bedroom sleepy, stretching.  She kissed him and walked into the baby's room and lifted him from his bed and fed him once more before burping him and changing his soiled diaper.  He was asleep once more.  Mark kissed her head and walked with her back to their room and settled down in their bed.  "He is eating a lot now."  Jessi nodded and smiled, "He's a week old today."  Mark nodded and asked, "Are we taking him to work today?"  She shook her head and whispered, "Not until he's had all his checkups and Dr. Kim clears it."

"Everyone wants to see our precious bundle of joy."  Mark told her.  She hummed and whispered, "Not until he is cleared by the doctor."  Mark nodded and kissed her before whispering, "I love you, baby."  She hummed and cuddled into his chest once more and fell asleep.  She woke the next morning to the low murmurs of male voices.  "She was up and down all night with Nicky."  JB opened the baby's door and came out with a squalling Nicky.  Jessi got up and showered before heading into the living room to see her son being fed by his uncle.  Jessi yawned before settling down with Mark.  "When do you guys go out on tour again?"  JB grinned and said, "When you can come too.  We are done until this coming fall.  Bambam and Yugyeom got into trouble in LA this time."  She shook her head and said, "I read the articles and can only blame Andy for it.  He knew better than to teach him words like that and Yugyeom wasn't drunk, he looked exhausted more than intoxicated."  JB nodded and said, "It was a combination of the two I think."  She nodded and watched as the boys walked into the apartment moments later.  She smiled as they gathered around Nicky. 

A month later, Jessi returned to work with Nicky.  JYP's wife explained to Jessi that she would babysit the baby while Got7 toured giving her a chance to work.  Jessi agreed for the most part while the baby was so small but said, "When he's older, we will be bringing him with us."  Jessi couldn't imagine what it would be like now without her son with her.  He had become her world much the same with Mark and her precious puppy.  JYP took the infant from her and smiled down as the baby looked up at him as though trying to decipher the mysteries of the universe which were no doubt hidden inside JYP's eyes.  There was a lot of knowledge and experience hidden in the gaze of her boss.  Jessi handed over the diaper bag she had packed and said, "If you need a nap, a break, or he needs a change, let me know, JYP Nim, and I will come retrieve my son."  JYP chuckled and nodded, "It wouldn't be the first diaper I've changed, don't worry so much, Nicky's Eomma."  She laughed hearing that and nodded, "Alright."  Nicky gave a wide eyed look for a moment before letting out a really loud fart.  "He is taking after Jackson."  Jessi stated while checking his diaper for an unwanted package.  "Yup, you did, little prince.  It's daddy's turn to change you."  She handed the baby to his father and walked out of the room with a smile.  

Mark made a face, cleaned his son up, and disposed of the diaper before washing his hands and returning the baby to his boss.  "All clean, hyung."  JYP chuckled and settled Nicky down in the cradle beside his desk and started working while talking steadily to the baby.  G-Soul walked in and asked, "Hyung, who are you talking to?"  JYP grinned, "Mark and Jessi's newborn son.  Meet Nicky."  G-Soul looked down at the adorable baby and chuckled, "She let you babysit?"  JYP nodded and chuckled, "The music would be too loud for the baby."  His door opened again hours later and his oldest girl group walked in.  "We wanted to see Nicky."  JYP pressed his finger to his lip and signalled that the baby was napping.  Yubin looked down into the cradle and smiled, "He looks like Jessi, thank god."  Everyone chuckled softly.  They oohed and aahed over the baby before leaving to work on another project.

Nichkhun walked in and visited with his namesake and then left quietly off and on during the long day.  Jessi returned frequently to feed the baby, check on him, and change him when he needed it.  JYP loved the little guy and encouraged his mother to disappear for longer periods of time.  It was about conditioning Jessi to get accustomed to the separation from Nicky and to get the baby accustomed to being away from his Mother.  There would be times when they would be separated for more than a few hours.  When she started touring with the group, she wouldn't see him for weeks if not months on end.  Of course, there was Skype, facetime, and other options open to them, but he would still be in Korea while she was all over the world.  It would be too much to let her take the baby out on tour.  Not to mention too dangerous for her and the baby.  There were still plenty of fans out there that didn't like the fact that she and Mark were married and that they had their first child.

Mark came in and settled down on the sofa in his office and grinned, "How was your first day of baby duty?"  JYP chuckled and said, "We are good friends, Nicky and I.  I really love spending time with your son.  He feels like my nephew."  Mark nodded and said, "Having you and Mrs. Park looking after him when Jessi and I can't means a lot to both of us.  Jessi is having new Mom issues and separation issues."  JYP nodded and said, "Having her bring him to work with her and leaving him with me is about her building up trust with me and my wife and about getting her used to not being with Nicky all the time.  And it is giving Nicky the chance to grow accustomed to not having Mom around all the time."  Mark nodded and smiled down at his son.  "He really is a good baby.  He fusses at night but Jessi gets up, changes him, feeds him, and takes care of him without complaint then puts him to bed when he goes to sleep.  She doesn't hold him all the time but tends to him when he cries.  We have more trouble with the boys holding him all the time than us."  JYP chuckled and nodded. 

The next morning, JYP got a call from the producers of the reality show, The Return of Superman.  "We want to feature Mark, Nicky and Jessi on the show as a new family."  JYP thought about it and smiled, "Let me discuss it with them and get their input.  Jessi is a new mother and a very protective one when it comes to her son."  The producer chuckled and said, "Let me know what she says."  JYP hummed and called Mark and Jessi into his office after getting off the phone.  They walked in and Jessi beelined for the baby and cradled him in her arms and pressed a kiss to his head.  He was smiling now and waving his hands around.  Mark smiled and popped his mouth making Nicky smile.  "I just got an interesting call from the producers of The Return of Superman.  They want to feature you on their show and show fans what life is like for young idol parents.  What do you think?"  Jessi looked at Mark and said, "It would mean having cameras in our home all the time and Mark being in the spotlight as a dad more."  JYP nodded and smiled.  "Is that something you want to do?"  Jessi thought about it for a moment and then said, "If it will show young fans what it is like having an infant to care for and how we juggle our careers and parenthood then let's do it."  JYP grinned.  Mark nodded and said, "It would get Got7 more attention and ease fans' concerns about Jessi and me."  JYP nodded and chuckled, "Alright, I will call them back and make the arrangements."

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