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Skyla P.O.V

I hear faint yelling of people and objects being thrown around.

I groan , my head pounding and my whole body feeling like I have been run over by a bus.

"She's waking up, Alpha." Someone said

I groan again my eyes feeling to heavy to open. I feel someone next to me and already know it's Draco for the tingles on my skin.

"Baby" I hear Draco say.

I groan trying to open my eyes.

"Princess, wake up for me." Draco says whilst bringing a hand to my face and stroking it lightly.

I open my eyes slowly , groaning as my eyes hit the bright light above me.

"Turn the dam light off" Draco growled out.

The light is quickly turned off and I could clearly see Draco's gorgeous face in front of me.

"Hey princess" he mutters putting his face in my neck.

I try and talk but my throat is dry. Draco notices this and is quick to grab a glass of water and put it to my lips. I took big gulps of water trying to make my throat less dry.

"Good girl , Princess" Draco mutters out taking the glass away.

Suddenly all the memories came back to me, The shower, Draco touching me , Then his eyes and his teeth, oh my god his eyes. My heart rate goes up and you can hear the Harte rate machine beeping loudly can. Draco's head is quickly to look at me as I scream. I scream as loud as I possibly can.

"Princess , calm down" Draco says trying to grab hold of me.

"GET OFF MEEE GET OFF MEE" I yell crying hysterically.

"Princess you need to calm down" Draco says trying to calm down.

I start kicking and screaming trying to get away. I turn my body and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He groans and falls to the ground. I quickly get up and run to the door quickly , but not quick enough. I go to open the door and a hand slams it back shut.

"Wrong move Princess" Draco mutters darkly in my ear sending shivers through my body.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever, but I'm back and here to update. I had writers block so if you could leave some suggestions down in the comment that would be great.

Promise to update soon

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