Fresh ta death

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Sara's P.O.V-

I was in line for the Terrible Twister roller coaster and I was waiting by myself. My best friend Gabby was supposed to come with me but she had some last minute family issues come up and couldn't make it.

So, anyway I was bored and I felt really lonely so I decided to look around for any cute guys my age. I glanced around the room till I saw this guy leaning against a pole and texting. He wasn't too tall, but taller than me; he was about 5'9 with dirty blonde hair styled into a quiff. He was wearing a gray tank top with tan khaki shorts, a gray SnapBack on his head that said "fresh ta death" and his shoes were a pair of gray Tom's. He has a really great sense of style for a guy, I hope he's not gay.

He was really cute and he that most beautiful green eyes. I couldn't help staring at him, he was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen.

And then he did something I was not expecting him to do; he looked over at me, winked and then smiled. I turned around to see if that was meant for someone else, then I turned back around and he was staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and pointed to myself mouthing "me?" he nodded and winked again.

Just as he started walking toward me one of the employees yelled "party of two?!"

I was so startled I jumped and faced toward the man. Nobody said anything so then I looked to where the boy was and he wasn't there! he was standing next to me!

"right here!" the boy yelled raising his hand and pointing to the two of us.

He grinned at me with his breathtaking smile and gestured for me to go before him.

"Ladies first" he said in a terrible british accent.

I giggled at his sillyness. I headed towards the coaster sat down all the way on the left seat, strapping myself in and pulling the safety restraint down.

The boy did the same and then he looked over at me and said "so, what's your name?"

"My names Sara, without an 'h' " I said blushing.

"Oh that's a really cool way of spelling it.....even prettier too" he said blushing at his last couple words.

"So do you have a name....or?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh sorry! I'm Connor, without an 'e'." he said blushing and grabbing the back of his neck.

"So, it's just Connr?" I said giggling.

"What no?! it's with an 'o' instead of an 'e'!" he nervously said.

"I was kidding jeez!" I said rolling my eyes. Connor looked very relieved that I said that. "you're cute when you get all flustered." I admitted, turning super red.

"teehe" he said putting his hands under his chin. I started giggling again. "You have an adorable laugh." Connor quietly said, his face turning a deep shade of crimson.

"Thanks." I said blushing a bit.

Then the ride lurched forward, I squealed in fright. "It hasn't started yet." Connor teased.

"Oh, shut up." I said slapping his leg.

"Ow!" he said rubbing his leg.

"hah, that's what you get!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. Connor stuck his tongue out at me in return. We started heading up the incline of the track, it was so far from the ground.

"You know this is supposed to be one of the scariest rides in the world?" Connor said with an evil grin. Then his mouth formed into a frown, he must have noticed how petrified I looked.

I can deal with any other part of a roller coaster but, the first drop has always been beyond terrifying for me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he said looking sorry for me.

"Oh, don't worry you didn't scare me, the ride did." I said with my voice almost shaking.

"you can hold my hand if it makes you feel any better." Connor said with an understanding look.

"Thanks" I said smiling and accepting his outstretched hand.

"To be honest I'm a little scared too." he said with a sheepish grin.

"Um Connor you should probably take your hat off before you loose it." I cautioned.

"Holy shit! That would of sucked" he said taking the hat off of his head with his right hand and gripping it tightly.

I laughed at his reaction.

Then the coaster finally made it to the top of the hill; I squeezed Connor's hand, he squeezed back.

It finally went down that great height and we both screamed at the top of our lungs, gripping each other's hands tightly.

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