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Jim: No. If it were up to him, Halloween wouldn't be a holiday at all. He's told you on more than one occasion that he would only enjoy Halloween when he has a kid to take trick or treating. You tried to get him into it once by hiding behind the door dressed as a vampire as you waited for him to come home from work. As he opened the door, you jumped out at him. All that resulted in was him hitting his head on the doorframe and cursing loudly.

Bruce: Bruce isn't particularly fond of this holiday, but he knows that you enjoy it. So, when Halloween rolls around, he'll deck Wayne Manor out with scary decorations just to please you. And then, you normally force him into a costume either to give out sweets, or trick or treat in. Sometimes, even Ollie will tag along. But he always wears something Robin Hood based...

Jerome: Are you kidding me? Jerome loves Halloween! It is his favourite time of year! He'll go the whole hog and make Theo's mansion look like a massive graveyard. One time, you wanted to get more into the Halloween mood and dressed up, but Jerome wasn't scared. He just found it incredibly sexy...

Ed: Surprisingly, Ed really enjoys Halloween, but not as much as he does Christmas. You were so shocked when you came home from work one day to see Ed stood in the middle of his apartment with a white sheet over his head. But he was way too tall for it and all you could focus on was the sight of his legs sticking out from under the sheet. You laughed for a good ten minutes.

Selina: Selina's neutral when it comes to Halloween. If you fancy doing something, then she'll tag along with you. But if you just fancy staying in and watching a horror movie marathon then she's cool with that too. If she's honest, she probably prefers watching movies.

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